Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Codification of Game

From Obsidian’s round-table discussion of predictions for the decade ahead; I wrote, pertaining to Game:

Game can take two tacks. It can go the Mystery Method route (I’m talking about the more flamboyant type of Game that Mystery himself practices). This is unsustainable [as anything but a fad] as even a couple of peacocking PUAs in any setting will raise red flags and draw too much attention. MM is successful in the same way that guerilla warfare is successful. It’s about the element of surprise. Once the surprise is gone, the lifting power of MM is gone.

Game as represented in a dynamic psychical shift is much more powerful. We speak a lot of pedestalization. At one point, men and women occupied pedestals of equal height and directly beside each other. It strikes me that men were the first to be de-pedestalized by women. They don’t need us in the same ways that they once did. They kicked us off the pedestal and either stood there alone or put some monolithical alpha male up there in our place (i.e. government). From then on, men have displayed lower value than women.

What’s the solution? Either men regain that perch or they take a big-ass mallot and destroy the perch that women occupy. The latter is the more feasible option since a side-by-side setup implies that each person needs the other, yet we know this is not true in today’s age. Game is most potent for men in that, through a social ripple effect, they alter the way they treat and view women. Subtle change on the part of each and every man is more powerful than 180 degree shifts. 180 degree shifts by men are met with 180 degree shifts by women: yin and yang and all that shit.

So Game won’t be dominant; it will be subtle and unnoticed. It will fly under the radar, but the conscious awareness of a different way to behave will have strong social effects. The power of Game comes from the marginal shift in men’s presuppositional beliefs about women: eradication of one-itis, full belief that there are many more options, no White Knighting and clouding of judgement, no fear of being labeled a jerk or an asshole if that is true to your nature.

PUA-type game is some extension of straight-forward “I want to fuck” Game. This type of Game works well on young girls who have never heard such confidence and straight-forwardness before or women who haven’t heard it in quite a while. It succeeds because of its novelty, but this novelty loses its lustre quickly. Women aren’t stupid; if they experience this more than once they’ll take note and the method will lose its charm. Game’s more hidden effects are more potent in the long-term.

But…the most important facet of Game – and the reason Mystery, Style, Roissy, and Roosh are highly esteemed by many guys like me – is that it has now been codified. People tried to act in accordance with the Bible before Constantine got his Book published, but not many people knew that much about how they should act. When “The Law” was written in stone and became a system it provided a historical record. People could point to it and say “See, here it is, this is what you should do.” This may seem like a ridiculous analogy, but the same thing applies to Game. We now have a system by which we can say “See, this is what you should do.” Whether the exact tactics are correct or not aren’t as important as the fact that there is now an awareness about Game and the fact that there is a proper way to handle women if you want them to respect you and be attracted to you. Awareness is the first step toward empowerment – whether in the spiritual or the relationship realm.

In the future I’d like to revisit this theme – the Codification of Game.  Game has always existed among men and women.  There have always been things that worked and haven’t worked so well.  It wasn’t until the word “Game” was spoken and written about that we could unshackle our minds to think about it in its complete form.  In the past, there had been no central directory for us to compare notes to come to a final set of principles.  We had only operated on myths, fairy tales, and word of mouth – hardly anything that most people with short lives to live could hang their hat on.

[Via http://glpiggy.wordpress.com]

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