Sunday, March 21, 2010

Zim & Zou's 'Paper Game'

Artists Thibault Zimmerman and Lucie Thomas, also known as Zim & Zou have created this awesome paper craft recreation of a DMG Gameboy and called it Paper Game.


Are you an Energy Hog?

At school, we have been thinking a lot about energy, what it is, how we use it and ways we can save it.

I was surfing the net and came across this cool website called Energy Hog.

It is a game for kids to see if they can find the things that use  lots of energy, and then find ways to use less.

You can find it at: or click the link here

Have fun! :)


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Fun House Mirror

It grows, grows, grows,

The time stops, then flows,

The truth that nobody knows,

Is how it grows, grows, grows.


It hurts, hurts, hurts,

Danger no longer flirts,

They’re filled out now – her shirts,

And that hurts, hurts, hurts.


It numbs, numbs, numbs,

Endless pages she thumbs,

Only they make the heart drum,

‘Cause it’s numb, numb, numb.


It gets better, worse, the same,

While the wild impulses are tamed,

Moods shift as if in a game,

So it gets better, worse, the same.


What the luck strike!

This morning the unthinkable happened….

Yes, it’s true! It’s real! I was given a Starcraft 2 beta key! (Yes,  I actually took a screenshot after entering the key.)

What an eventful weekend so far! Some amazing Final Fantasy last night (Check my previous post!) and tonight, hopefully, some just as amazing Starcraft 2! I am terribly rusty at RTS games. I’ve come to accept that I will lose, alot, at the start. The last real RTS I played was Warcraft 3 ( HoN doesn’t really count as a RTS, it’s something else entirely. ) Nevertheless, I am quite excited about getting the key and getting the chance to participate in the beta. Thanks again for the key, you, person that gave it to me!

Hopefully I can get a few games in over this long weekend. (Monday is a public holiday in South Africa!) The local SC2 scene seems to be bustling with activity and it’s going to be great fun playing with some familiar players. (2v2 let’s go!)

I will do follow-up posts about my experiences in the SC2 beta when I’ve actually managed to get a few games under the belt. Watch this space!


Knuckle Popping Game - Bizarre Flash Games


Game description :

Its a sad fact of life that knuckle popping is not a skill enjoyed by everyone, so our knuckle popping game will keep you up with everyone else. But if you want to go knuckle popping for real, here’s how to do it. Firstly, clench your hands so they interlock then suddenly straighten your fingers and push slightly into each knuckle. That push should generate an immediate crack. Wait. Once you have popped your knuckles, it will take some time for the gas bubbles to redissolve into the synovial fluid. This prevents you from cracking them again right away. After you play this knuckle popping game, why not check out and play our other free weird online games?

Game controls :

Play games with the mouse


Thursday, March 18, 2010

CRP Acres To Benefit Bobwhite Quail and Other Upland Birds

This is a joint news release from the DNR and the USDA.


MEDIA CONTACTS: For more information, contact Vickie Friedow, FSA, at (515) 254-1540 ext 440; Todd Bogenschutz, DNR, at (515) 432-2823; or Mark Lindflott , NRCS, at (515) 284-4370.

DES MOINES – Iowa producers can enroll up to 10,500 additional acres of cropland into the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) to benefit upland game birds and other small birds.

“The program is designed to provide much needed habitat and brood rearing areas for quail, pheasant and songbirds in the state,” said Todd Bogenschutz, a wildlife biologist with the DNR. “At the same time, set aside programs protect the most vulnerable land from soil erosion and improve water quality for everyone.”

The additional acres were announced by the U.S.D.A. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack at the national Pheasant Fest in March. Producers can sign up at any time at their local U.S.D.A. Farm Service Agency. However, the sign up is “first-come, first-served,” according to Vickie Friedow, of the Farm Service Agency’s conservation and compliance department. “With a limited number of acres available, I would encourage anyone who is interested to contact their local U.S.D.A. office as soon as possible” she added.

Eligible areas include cropland and cropland around the edges of existing grain fields. The average width of the enrolled area must be between 30 and 120 feet wide. At least half of the field must be in crops. To be eligible, the land must have been cropped or considered cropped for four of the six years from 1996 to 2001.

Producers will not be able to enroll land that is used for turn rows, roads, or for storage of crops or equipment. In addition, cropland adjacent to a stream filter or buffer strip is not eligible.

Annual payments will be based on the average rental rates for the county. A combination of cost-share and incentive programs will pay up to 90 percent of the cost of establishing the field border. A sign-up bonus of $100 per acre is available. Contracts run for 10 years.  Enrolled areas must be seeded to a combination of native plants including at least four grass species and a combination of at least five wildflowers and legumes.

For technical assistance, landowners can contact their local U.S.D.A. Service Center ( or their local DNR or Pheasants Forever private lands biologists (

Producers can contact their local U.S.D.A. Office for more information

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Blank or Blank: a Concordancer Game

This is a 10-minute demo of a web-based game I’ve been thinking about.  At its heart, it is a concordancer, but the game is also a repeatable, user-directed tool that could be used to study many interesting linguistic structures.  It could be used in any language and in other, non-linguistic disciplines.  I’ve also incorporated crowdsourcing and social networking to make it more useful and more fun.  And it’s so simple, it just might work.

Don’t believe me?  Too good to be true?  Perhaps.  Watch the demo and decide for yourself.  Then, share your reaction in the comments.
