Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Milestone in TDD History

What up people,

Here is a post by my friend and mentor, Troy “Papa Falcon” Dizon. I think it’s important to know where we’ve come from and how far we have come since then.

“Hey, Troy Dizon here.

What did I say about core values and X = X? Heck, this should be a fine example of mega proportions on how far you can really take it if you make yourself a results based company based on simple, effective human nature concepts. We never were based on hokey pokey hypnosis tactics or elaborate pick up lines that make you look good temporarily and gain you shallow results like the phone number you’ll never get a call back from.

Back in 2007 I made the conscious decision to really attract the right people to me and my company. During the years of 2005-2007, I navigated through the inside confines of the pick up community and met a huge spectrum of guys who were my market at the time. Generally, some of them were:

  1. Guys who had their ego crushed in the past and were in desperate need of pimp knowledge to get back on track,
  2. Newbies who have never interacted with anyone past their family or social circle,
  3. Dedicated guys who were willing to do anything to getting the dating and social aspect of their lives down, and
  4. Some kindhearted guys who just wanted a meaningful relationship with a nice girl and settle down.

But on the other token, there were a lot of guys in the community I did NOT like at all. I will not enumerate it in detail, as most of you probably already know what they are, but put it this way, it was a lot of people who used the community as a launch pad for LIES. Not just lying to another person on how so and so WILL WORK, but lying to themselves thinking that they can choose to IGNORE the facts of human nature and expect to be widely successful in their dating lives with a totally UNNATURAL WAY.

After seeing all this over the years, I had chosen not to suck up to the community and really blast my stuff in there like a rocket propelled grenade and shock them with something different. I was intent on picking up the right people by branding what I believed in properly and more importantly living a life that reflected that.

Like any PUA routine that has a beginning and an end, I watched these guys do their thing over the years and eventually grow out of it. There’s some truth in the high turnover of most guys in the pick up community, and my number one reason for that is it never jived with their lifestyle and did not address the CORE ISSUES they needed to face. At the end of all those months of practice they realized “heh, that was a good run… time to move on.” and move on they did. Most of these guys I never heard speak of pick up ever again. Now the real bummer there is that most of them pick up a couple dozen bad habits from doing the pick up stuff. Again, those habits were never answered.

I am THANKFUL that I never put myself through that. Right now, 2010, I can say I’ve outlived all those people who didn’t believe in me when I started. Their marketing with no substance could only take them so far. Moreover, the lack of real, verified results killed most pick up businesses substantially. Oh, and thanks to the recession, the event that made people clutch their wallets and not just spend their hard earned money on hyped up sales pages or or “hearsay,” it opened up a can of problems for my pick up guru counterparts. They might have been financially successful at one time selling these hyped up products, but the market started to catch on and they were forced to produce even more BS to stay afloat. It came to the point where you’d look at their stuff and be like, “you’ve gotta be kidding me, it can’t be THAT complicated!”

By making the decision to stand bold on what I believed in and what I’ve experienced with, the move paid me and the company back double, triple, even quadruple in kind. Yes, in the beginning I must admit I wondered how the heck those guys made gazillions, but after being through all of this, I am glad I never joined the bandwagon. Now more than a handful of years later in the personal improvement industry, I can just imagine the life of MISERY these gurus have to go through.

They have to be constantly building and selling hype to guys, having to deal with their 1,001 ridiculous questions, lying through their teeth in seminars saying their stuff is going to work, and more importantly taking the costume off after the weekend is over and living a life of absolute seclusion (most of these guys don’t even have friends, just bottom feeder disciples who don’t really give a flying fuck about them).


I had the clients and friends I wanted around me. I created partnerships with the right groups who felt that this was a social responsibility more than just a business. I had my own brothers for instructors who proudly flew our banner straight and took any immediate criticism from the community blokes. These were really great guys who deserved the best for their efforts in improving themselves. Why surround myself with any other people, right?

As you know, TDD is successful today as any huge enterprise.The secret is within its structure and the people that get attracted to it. Hey, we may not be the most internet savvy guys out there (since we live in the real world), but thanks to the internet (or word of mouth), you found us!

Let’s bring the experience back to your first run down with TDD. If you’ve perused the articles or downloaded a couple of podcasts, the first thing you will notice about TDD is “what the heck? Why is he not talking about this or that, or how attraction can be achieved through steps?” and “how are these guys getting that result without giving any reference to so and so method?”

A few hours later after getting intrigued, you listen to TDD podcast #4 you’re starting to realize a recurring theme: “wait a minute, this guy Troy actually HATES the pick up community it seems! Ouch! Off with his head!”

Well, if you survived through those podcasts and are still reading this note, then there IS A DELIBERATE REASON you’re still onto us.

Let me emphasize the true fiber of attraction that brings people to you – its the commonality with who you are with who they are, and the commonality of where you’ve been and where you want to be with where they have been and want to be.

This one simple concept by the way, is SEAMLESS (I guess that’s why Xavier calls it the seamless approach, well I’ll call it the seamless everything). It applies to anything in life. Women, friends, loved ones, business, money – they all wrap around certain people like a damn magnet. And those certain people have their “skyscrapers” down. (our term for a solid sense of character, social awareness, lifestyle and vibe).

This is what will make you amazing in the LONG RUN. Not some hyped up concepts that will die out once you realize they’re not compatible with your life. Now, there’s enough material here on our site and on our forums to prove to you that these are REAL PEOPLE succeeding with our stuff. (Thank you FTC for making a rule on fake testimonials). TDD clients are not customers, they’re family members. Its very, very, very comforting to know that there are a hundred brothers out there going through the same processes you’re going through now. Its also a good thing to know that most of them are excellent, well-regarded members of society and the lessons they learned from TDD have bridged out to all other aspects of their life.

Okay, why am I pouring my heart out on paper for? You probably know these things already. Well, I’d like to announce that for the first time ever, we are going to do an official TDD Seminar partnered with the Singapore Ministry of Defense.

Yeap, you heard that right. The Ministry of Defense.

Let me tell you a quick story of a two year process that lead TDD to this project that came to us.

When we came to Singapore, there were a few image consultants and the underground pick up guys who were the only go to guys if you wanted to learn how to become attractive. As always, I was met with resistance. A TON of resistance. Haters left and right, heck one even wrote a fake rip off report that was never readdressed. I never budged, and continued to bring true client transformations the more I visited. By 2008, Xavier became the head guy in Singapore. By 2009, he was awarded the level of Falcon (top level instructor) during the Lifestyle Retreat and consequently started a wave of propaganda projects to let people know we were the real deal.

One of our talks at Vivocity

There’s a very huge parallel with his story and mine, in the sense that those guys who were opposing him in the earlier months of TDD in Singapore were again, outlived. These guys disappeared into the shadows over time while Xavier, being a TDD figurehead, kept growing and growing and growing. First there was Razor TV, then Her World, then Channel News Asia. He passed through all those with flying colors.

But you know what guys, it wasn’t just the brilliance of the TDD Brand or the marketing or his excellence in the field that got us the project, but he was a living example of a true before and after picture of what happens if you just dedicate yourself into the TDD success system. I still have blackmail photos of this guy back in 2008 that are available upon request. This guy came from being your average clueless person to a true 24/7 Attractive Man. (check http://alife2love.com for his Bio).

It was this life of being an example, that got the Ministry of Defense to ask us to do seminars for them on dating and social interactions. They looked at every other company out there, saw through the razzle dazzle fancy websites of many, and found Xavier and TDD the most knowledgeable, reputable, and results oriented one.

One they would actually spend money on.

March 12, will be the event, FOUNDATIONS OF ATTRACTION by Xavier See.

Immediately upon announcement we currently have 20 slots booked and not too many remain. If you are in the Singapore Army and would like to participate, all you have to do is get an application form via the Intranet (OA) to Ng Xiao Mui (MAC), PSC under send to.

If you would like to inquire through Xavier, you can email him at xav@troydizondating.com

Congratulations to Xavier and the rest of the team for living with excellence.

Troy Dizon”

I have to say, it has been an honor and privilege to have worked with Troy for the past 2 years. Being personally trained, mentored and groomed by Troy, I have seen not just my social and love life blossom, I have also seen my professional life soar. I remember the ol’ days, where I had nothing going on for me in life and my idea of a perfect weekend was to spend them at a LANshop playing computer games. I made a huge, huge load of mistakes (Troy will testify haha) but Troy never gave up on me. My TDD brothers monster, Val, Jiron were always there to support me through the challenging times I faced and helped me stand on my feet. These days… well, you get a small glimpse or 2 once in a while on this site. This is indeed a cause for celebration for the entire TDD family and I would like to dedicate this success to Troy and everyone in the TDD family.

There are only 3 FREE seats left for the Foundations of Attraction Workshop, act fast and I will see you there!

Live and Love,




Skype : xavierrrr

[Via http://alife2love.com]

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