Saturday, March 20, 2010

What the luck strike!

This morning the unthinkable happened….

Yes, it’s true! It’s real! I was given a Starcraft 2 beta key! (Yes,  I actually took a screenshot after entering the key.)

What an eventful weekend so far! Some amazing Final Fantasy last night (Check my previous post!) and tonight, hopefully, some just as amazing Starcraft 2! I am terribly rusty at RTS games. I’ve come to accept that I will lose, alot, at the start. The last real RTS I played was Warcraft 3 ( HoN doesn’t really count as a RTS, it’s something else entirely. ) Nevertheless, I am quite excited about getting the key and getting the chance to participate in the beta. Thanks again for the key, you, person that gave it to me!

Hopefully I can get a few games in over this long weekend. (Monday is a public holiday in South Africa!) The local SC2 scene seems to be bustling with activity and it’s going to be great fun playing with some familiar players. (2v2 let’s go!)

I will do follow-up posts about my experiences in the SC2 beta when I’ve actually managed to get a few games under the belt. Watch this space!


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