Saturday, September 26, 2009

Can I Play Playstation 2 Games on Playstation 3

When you hear people say PlayStation, you primarily think of great games on a great game console. You think of Sony as the developer of a one-of-a-kind high quality game console and you also think of a gaming console that changed the way people think about home entertainment systems.Today, one of the most enthusiastically awaited game consoles in the market is the PlayStation 3. This gaming console promises to yet again, revolutionize the way people play games on game consoles all over the world. With features that are considered as state-of-the-art and integrated technology that are highly advanced, people, Game, will really want one for their own home.Aside from the sleek and attractive looking outer shell, PlayStation 3 packs one of the best technologies in the gaming console world. This, Game, particular gaming console is expected to be one of the greatest gaming consoles ever developed and released in the market.PlayStation 3 has a powerful graphics chip together with a powerful 3.2 GHz CPU and 512 MB of RAM that, Game, will make you experience a one-of-a-kind game play. Another contribution for maximum enjoyment is the Blu-ray drive. The Blu-ray disc can handle data 5 times higher than your conventional DVD. This means that game developers will have more leverage in designing, Game, PlayStation 3 games and this will result in more, Game, realistic characters with detailed and also realistic environment.Because of, Game, this, games will far more be realistic, Game, and detailed than ever before. In fact, Playing PlayStation 3 games on blu-ray discs, Game, will make you feel as if you are a part of the game itself and not just a person on the outside, Game, world playing, Game, with some game.PlayStation 3 can definitely give you that extra spice you want in a game.Another great contributor in PlayStation 3 is the game controllers. The game controllers,, Game, Game, for PlayStation 3 games are Bluetooth capable. This, Game, means that you can play PlayStation 3 games wirelessly. This will give you more freedom when playing with your PlayStation 3 games. For example, if you like football or soccer, you can literally run around your room like a football or soccer player who just scored a goal, Game, while holding your PlayStation 3 controller.PlayStation 3 controllers are also integrated with the multi-axis motion sensing system technology that will allow you to control the game in real time and with maximum precision. With this system, the game controller will virtually become a natural extension, Game, of your body.PlayStation 3 also has a backward compatibility feature. This feature will enable you to play with your old PlayStation and PlayStation, Game, 2 games in this console. This means that your investment, Game, in your old games will not be wasted. With PlayStation 3, you can play all your PlayStation, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation 3 games. In fact, because of the HDMI features of the PlayStation, Game, 3, it, Game, will even further enhance your old games.Not only that, PlayStation 3 will enable you to play your DVD movies, and Audio CDs. PlayStation games arent the only discs, Game, that this game console can play. It is a game console that is also a DVD player and CD player.So, investing in this game console is definitely not a wasted investment at all. So, watch out for it when it is released on November 2006 in Japan, United States, and Canada and on March 2007 in Europe and Australasia.When you hear people say PlayStation, you, Game, primarily think of great, Game, games on a great game console. You think of Sony as the developer of a one-of-a-kind high quality game console and you also think of a gaming console that changed the way people think about home entertainment systems.Today, one of the most enthusiastically awaited game consoles in the market is the PlayStation 3. This gaming console promises to yet again, revolutionize the way people play games on game consoles all over the world. With features that are considered as state-of-the-art and integrated technology that are highly advanced, people will really want one for their own home.Aside from the sleek and attractive looking outer shell, PlayStation 3 packs one of the best technologies in the gaming console world. This particular gaming console is expected to be one of the greatest gaming consoles ever developed and released in the market.PlayStation 3 has a powerful graphics chip together with a powerful 3.2 GHz CPU and 512 MB of RAM that will make, Game, you experience a one-of-a-kind game play. Another contribution for maximum enjoyment is the Blu-ray drive. The Blu-ray disc can handle data 5 times higher than your conventional DVD. This means that game developers will have more leverage in designing PlayStation 3 games and this will result in more realistic characters with detailed and also realistic environment.Because of this, games will far more be realistic and detailed than ever before. In fact, Playing, Game, PlayStation 3 games on blu-ray discs will, Game, make you feel as if you are a part of the game itself and not just a person on the outside world playing with some game.PlayStation 3 can definitely give you that extra spice you want in a game.Another great contributor in PlayStation 3 is the game controllers. The game controllers for PlayStation 3 games are Bluetooth capable. This means that you can play PlayStation 3 games wirelessly., Game, This will give you more freedom when playing with your PlayStation 3 games. For example, if you like football or soccer, you can literally run around your room like a football or soccer player who just scored a goal while holding your PlayStation 3 controller, Game, .PlayStation 3 controllers are also integrated with the multi-axis motion sensing system technology that will allow you to control the game in real time and with maximum precision. With this system, the game controller will virtually become a natural extension of your body.PlayStation 3 also has a backward compatibility feature. This feature will enable you to play with your old PlayStation and PlayStation 2 games in this console. This means that your investment in your old games will not be wasted, Game, . With PlayStation 3, you can play all your PlayStation, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation 3 games. In fact, because of the HDMI features of the PlayStation 3, it will even further enhance your old games.Not only that, PlayStation 3 will enable you to play your DVD movies, and Audio CDs. PlayStation games arent, Game, the only discs that this game console can play. It is a game console that is also a DVD player and CD player.So, investing in this game console is definitely not a wasted investment at all. So, watch out for it when it is released on November 2006 in Japan, United States, and Canada and on March 2007 in Europe and Australasia.

Computer Game Programmer Insights

If you are computer gaming programmer then you are always looking for new ideas to help modify the game, increase action, interface and make the game more real-life. Often as we see the developers of computer games and genres they choose it seems as if they take quite a bit of potential future technologies and weave them into the game. But how can a computer programmer, Computer, Technology, or computer game designer determine which types of future technologies, Computer, Technology, may be used and which of them should be in the game.I have some recommendations for this. You see, I believe that if one is to go to the bookstore and search through all the latest scientific magazines and perhaps go to a used bookstore which sells magazines and buy a ten years of old Popular Mechanics, Scientific American, Popular Science, Omni Magazine and MIT Technology Review, then I believe flipping through those pages may give you better insights into deciding, Computer, Technology, which future type events to include and that the user will enjoy and therefore render a more pleasurable gaming experience due to the possible futures that are recognizable and plausible.There are also several online Ezines, which all so can help a computer game programmer and designer stay up with the, Computer, Technology, latest possible future technologies. It is essential for the integrity of the computer gaming industry to stay, Computer, Technology, closer to science fiction and future technologies than slip too far into science-fiction fantasy if you want to hit the mainstream and sell more computer games. Consider this in 2006.”Lance Winslow” – Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative, Computer, Technology, thoughts and unique perspectives,, Computer, Technology, come think with Lance;

Friday, September 25, 2009

Some Updates Sean Kingston's Concerts Starting & How To Get The VIP Backstage Pass!

Hey guys this is Jimbercane posting. Some cool updates came to Planet Cazmo today. The first one has to do with houses. Both in the Ambassador Houses section, and the Moderator Houses section, the number of houses available have been shortened. I find this very unfair, because Soccer, neo, and ShU Mai are not the only Ambassadors of Planet Cazmo, and derek, Jeff, oceanna, Qizzy, soniCron, and whitman are not the only moderators of Planet Cazmo. (This update could be seen by clicking on the House Icon on your chatbar, then on either the Ambassador button, or the Moderator Button.)

The next update has to do with the Map Icon on your chatbar. Now, the icon looks different.

Next, there are some new clothes that you can buy. The easiest way of buying them, is by clicking on the Newspaper then on Hot Deals. Finally, hover over any clothes you like and click on them to buy them.

Finally, Sean Kingston’s concerts will begin today. Make sure you see him at 7pm today! The show will go on to 12pm at night, and then start tomorrow again at 12am in the afternoon and end at 12pm at night. If you are really a big Sean Kingston fan, then go on to the VIP Backstage Area, and get your autograph from Sean Kingston! It’s easy, first go to the CazRox Cafe, and then to the VIP area.

Now, go ahead and talk to him. After talking to him just click on the option, ‘Can I Have Your Autograph?’, and then you will get your VIP Backstage Pass signed by Sean Kingston! To view the pass, click on your the playercard then on CazBook and finally click on My Tickets. There you will find that the pass. (If you don’t see it, just click on the right arrow at the bottom.)

planet cazmo cheats


Caulk the Wagon and Float it

Do you remember the 8-bit graphics of the early 90s version of Oregon Trail?  It was the only computer game you were allowed to play in Elementary or Middle School and it was AWESOME because, well, for obvious reasons it’s awesome anyway, but there weren’t any other crazy games out there except Doom and it’s much more fun to fight off typhoid than kill monsters if you’re 9 year old me.

I used to name my characters Faith, Hope, and Charity, and pretend they were real 19th Century pilgrims.  My father character was always a doctor so he could ward off disease and snakebite, and much like my normal life, I played conservatively in the hopes of arriving in Oregon with all my kids in one piece.  Those darn boulders in the river at the end always gave me trouble though.  Clearly I have some unfinished Oregon Trail business, but I can get back to that later.  Suffice it to say I took my responsibility as their hand-picked guide to the land of plenty seriously.

Apparently not everyone played the game the way I did.  Some way or another Joe and I got on the topic of Oregon Trail and we were reminiscing and I realized, horror upon horrors, that he thought my well-conceived plan was a pile of hooey.  He would have much rather been killing monsters.  So, to rebel against the pioneer spirit, he would TRY to lose his charges in Utah rather than ensure their safety.  Ford the river?  Sure!  Guides are expensive, after all.  Instead of Felicity and Mary as names, he used Poop, Fart, and Diarrhea.  Except, he said he couldn’t spell Diarrhea, so it always wound up looking like Diharreahh or Diyarea, which, remarkably, could pass as 19th Century names if you didn’t know any better.  I almost lost it when he mentioned that Dyarrheah nearly always died of dysentery.  Oh, the irony.  He was the one pumping buffalo with bullets like there’s no tomorrow and shooting 1429 pounds of meat but only being able to carry 56 of it back to the wagon because dear old Pimple, his oldest and strongest, died of cholera.

What a metaphor Oregon Trail is for life.  We balance each other well, but can you guess who is the more fun-loving of the two of us?  I pay for a guide and wait two days; he caulks the wagon and floats it.

P.S. Did you know that Poop and Fart are second cousins once removed?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Okamiden TGS Debut Trailer is Adorable

When Capcom trademarked the name Okamiden, everyone knew that it had something to do with a new Okami game. Or rather, we all hoped it had something to do with that. Fortunately, we were all correct, and pleased to be so. Capcom unveiled the adorable DS title, Okamiden earlier this month, and we now have the debut trailer thanks to this years Tokyo Game Show.

The trailer doesn’t showcase too much, primarily focusing on what the game itself looks like, which suffice it to say, is very cool. I’m rather looking forward to this, due to how awesome the original title for Playstation 2 and Wii was at the time. It’s good to see Capcom knows when they have something.

The halo is mentioned to Hitler? Oh boy...

Many of you who are avid gamers may know of a recent Team Fortress 2 update that sent shockwaves through the community. Anyone using what was known as an external idling program (basically a system that makes the game think you’re playing while you aren’t) had all of the items they got from these programs removed from their inventories, or as they’re reffered to in the game, backpacks. The people who didn’t cheat (myself included) recieved this neat halo on wires.


I’m shocked however by how people who didn’t get it responded. I get pushed around like some high school nerd, while I’m playing with people who are all most likely high school nerds, or geeks, or the like. I get banned, not kicked out of, banned from servers just for wearing it. It’s like friggin’ segregation. In fact, it is friggin’ segregation! It’s barbaric! However, I do feel kind of pleasant about having a halo (which actually is called the Cheater’s Lament), since another person who wears them decided to make this video about it. I think it’d be unpleasant to watch if I was one of the guys who had their items removed. Just go to this link. That is, if you’re a Team Fortress 2 player. If not it might not be as funny. Also if you got your stuff removed it might not be as funny, but I don’t know you then, do I? Ah well, enjoy. Just follow the link below.

Computer Gaming Appropriateness

Children spend at least 13 to 30 hours a week gaming. Most computer games are violent and aggressive and do little to inculcate moral values. Studies indicate that gaming results in aggressiveness and violent responses in children. And children are less concerned and helpful towards their colleagues and families. They are socially stunted.The duty to minimize the impact and ensure that children, Computer, Technology, get a rounded upbringing falls on parents. It is important to introduce character building activities and to censor games, Computer, Technology, so suitability.Study guidelines issued by the Entertainment Software Board. They indicate the suitability for different age groups. Read the contents label, Computer, Technology, that would summarize the game, this will serve as an opportunity guideline.Know your child. If you find signs of its troubled games to draw make this change in behavior. Introduce games that stimulate the imagination and make use of the mind. Avoid violence, Computer, Technology, and aggression.Visit, this provides game reviews and reviews.Rent a game and play it yourself. The first hand knowledge will serve you well.Communicate with other parents. You like the trends, knows the popularity.Play the games with your child. Know their reactions and learn their responses, Computer, Technology, .Establish an open relationship, where your child is comfortable to talk about what is inappropriate or disruptive. Carefully determine what is right and wrong. Bullying is not help.Set the computer and game console in one family. All games will out in the, Computer, Technology, open. You will be able to assess and monitor.Feel free to voice your manufacturer and detailed opinion.Study contact the strengths and weaknesses of the computer with your child at all usage.Interact levels.Be a prudent buyer demand claims to promote development of the brains. Introduce a variable routine for your child. Outdoor activities intertwined with computer-related activities.Focus on the social and emotional development, Computer, Technology, . The child must have confidence,, Computer, Technology, curiosity and openness, between self-control to linear relationship, his caring and cooperative, and communicative.Choose games that are fun and a certain degree of effective learning.Introduce games that, Computer, Technology, require two or more player this promotes social interaction.Playing played a privilege and not a right. Emphasize that parental approval is a must.Use games for the interests of your child to maximize. If the child is mechanically minded buying games that encourage this talent.Choose, Computer, Technology, games that require decisions and strategies. Games must be more than shoot, blow up, destroy and kill. Avoid killer games machine. Explain why a game is not to be played. Never just take one away game. A child must understand why you are playing against some games.Gaming is a part of life. It introduces computer technology, problem solving, and logic. It improves the spatial and motor skills. Games are not only entertaining, they can also be therapeutic. Choose wisely and guide your child.Paul Wilson, Computer, Technology, is a freelance writer for, the premier website to play thousands of free online games including arcade games, action games, card games, flash games, strategy games, puzzle games and more. He, Computer, Technology, also freelances for

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Um dos jogos mais bacanas para os amantes de games foi criado e estará no Brasil logo logo. Sem muita frescura mas com muita funcionalidade e agilidade. O DjHero servirá também nas festas “avonts” substituindo o famoso KARAMURUOKE? kakaaka. vejam o vídeo e surpreenda-se com tanta funcionalidade e agilidade para quem manipula o aparelho “controle” que é o bixo.

visitem o site também:

Equipe Esportes Radicais

Insider Tales 2 the Secret of Casanova game

Stroll through the gothic and gloomy alleys of Prague, listen to chansons on the streets of Paris and enjoy the elegant and light architecture of Venice in this Hidden Object game. As Francesca Di Porta you are looking for clues to shed some light on Casanova’s life and reveal his greatest secret. Unfold the mystery that is Casanova, the world’s most famous lover and adventurer. A mysterious story, logical puzzles, authentic environments and addictive gameplay await you in Casanova!

Learn more about Insider Tales 2 the Secret of Casanova game

Would you make a good history detective?

If this is a question that you have been asking yourself all your life, here is the answer. The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) have been showing a series called History Detectives and I was paying particular attention to games and quizzes. I came across the game On the Case and I only wished it was longer.  You get to pick the case you wish to investigate, and after an explanation of The Case,  and the historical context, you are presented with 3 choices which influences the course of the case and the steps that follow. At the end you are rewarded by being acknowledged as a Five-Star History Detective,  although I have the feeling that all players of this game are praised in this way! Have a go! It’s fun!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Farm Frenzy 3 game: Manage five farms around the world!

Farm Frenzy 3 (91 MB download)
Help Scarlett become the president of the farmers union! Manage five farms around the world and try your hand at penguin breeding and jewelry making in the third of the hit time management series, Farm Frenzy 3! Roll up your sleeves and earn votes by helping people in 5 different countries! Care for 30 wacky animals, fend off 5 enemies and improve farms with more upgrades than there are ears in a field of corn!

How do you play Resident Evil 5 PC?

How do you play Resident Evil 5 PC to work without any error in Windows XP? I have a problem to play this Capcom’s product. One very problem, “RE5DX9.EXE has encountered a problem…” And how do you solve this?

Then then then… Browsing while listening to SCANDAL’s songs I met a user on CAPCOM Unity nicknamed marcelo has the same problem as me and he FIXED this problem. COLY HOW!!!??? He changed his monitor into a new LCD. eerrhh… so we must buy a new monitor after buying the £29.99 game? rrright… Though someone was solved this problem with changing his monitor driver into a right one, but “Standard” and “Plug and Play” monitor still won’t work.

Hmm… Two days have passed after reading marcelo’s & other posts then something came up in my mind, I think I have to substitute this 14″ Crappy Ray Tube screen into a new Looking Cool Display. And say what?

Photo of RE5 working on my PC (brightness & contrast edited)

oh my crap…

I nominate you Resident Evil 5 PC as Eviliest Game of this Year 2009.
Well, let’s play anyway.

Ducks Drop Sharks, 3-2

After getting off to a slow start, the Ducks were able to turn things around after Corey Perry tied the game with a second period goal. The Ducks, playing with almost a complete NHL roster, were able to take control of the game after goals by Teemu Selanne and James Wisniewski in the third period.

The Ducks are falling into a dangerous trend of slow starts but are getting fortunate in being able to come from behind for victories. Tonight’s game was the same, with a Mike Brown fight being the only noteworthy Ducks action of the first period. Scott Nichol was given an instigator and 10-minute misconduct to go along with the five-minute major for initiating the fight with Brown. The only goal scoring of the period came on a powerplay goal from Benn Ferriero with just one second remaining in the first period.

The second period started similarly to the first, and there was even less action until Perry’s goal with just under four minutes left in the period. Bobby Ryan and Perry teamed up to steal the puck from a Sharks defenceman. Perry then came around the net from Evgeni Nabokov’s left, made a quick move, and backhanded the puck high past the goalie.

The Ducks then went on the powerplay shortly after the goal and gained momentum going into the third period. The Ducks continued to generate chances before Brown “tripped” Nabokov for a minor penalty. Replays showed Nabokov actually slipped on a banana peel. Or he was shot by a sniper. Take your pick. Referees must have realized it was a bad call because the Sharks’ Devin Setoguchi was given a similarly phantom holding-the-stick call about a minute later.

That call would eventually benefit the Ducks, as Selanne was able to score a powerplay goal. Defenceman Ryan Whitney led a breakout with a crisp pass to Saku Koivu who gave the puck to a streaking Selanne on the right side. Selanne raced across the blueline before unleashing a monster of a slap shot at the top of the right circle, beating Nabokov high to the stick side.

About four minutes later on a penalty kill, Petteri Nokelainen and Wisniewski found themselves with a two-on-one opportunity. Nokelainen raced in from the right side and slid a quick pass over to Wisniewski who hammered a one-timer past a helpless Nabokov. Andrew Ebbett started the play and stayed high on the play, but was never needed as Wisniewski made a perfect shot.

The Ducks were in cruise control when Jaime McGinn had a collision with Perry near center ice. Ryan didn’t like what he saw and challenged McGinn to a fight, something that’s very unusual for the second-year winger. McGinn was pounding away at Ryan, although replays showed no punches made solid contact, before Ryan came back with a few uppercuts and eventually toppled over McGinn to the roar of the crowd at Honda Center. Each player was given five minutes for fighting.

San Jose’s second goal came very late in the third when Ducks goalie J.S. Giguere tried to clear the puck around the boards. The puck was cut off by Ferriero who then rifled the puck to a wide open Marc-Edouard Vlasic. Vlasic then snapped the puck by  Giguere, who was still scrambling to get back to the net after giving the puck up behind the goal.

That was Giguere’s only mistake of the game, though, as this was his best performance of the preseason. Giguere came up with big stops on Joe Thornton and newly acquired Dany Heatley, who didn’t look comfortable in his second game with the Sharks. Giguere was named the first star of the game.

To be fair to the Sharks, they did not play a lineup that was even close to what the opening-day roster will look like. Missing from tonight’s game were regulars Patrick Marleau, Ryan Clowe, Dan Boyle, and Rob Blake. The Ducks were without goalie Jonas Hiller and were again without the services of injured superstar Ryan Getzlaf.

The Ducks will now have two days off before taking on the Vancouver Canucks in Canada on Thursday night. The Ducks will then travel to San Jose to take on the same Sharks again on Friday. The team will complete their preseason schedule with a home game at Honda Center against the Los Angeles Kings on Sunday evening.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Ducks Take on Sharks Tonight at Honda Center

The Ducks will continue their preseason tonight with a game against the San Jose Sharks after finally getting a break on Sunday. The Ducks had played four nights in a row before yesterday’s day off and it was clearly visible on the ice and in the locker room. Of the Ducks players interviewed after Saturday’s loss to the Kings, most commented on the fact that they’d played in three of those four games and resulted in a poor performance on Saturday.

The Ducks held an optional skate on Sunday morning and only about a dozen players decided to take part. The Ducks also made two separate roster cuts during the weekend resulting in a total of 10 players being sent down to the minor leagues. Details on those cuts can be read here and here.

Tonight’s game should be a very interesting matchup between the Ducks and Sharks. This is the first meetinig between the two clubs since the Ducks eliminated the Sharks in a rather easy (but stressful for fans) series for the Ducks. The result of that defeat caused a few changes to the Sharks’ lineup in the offseason, most notably the arrival of Dany Heatley and the departures of Duck-killer Jonathan Cheechoo, Milan Michalek, Christian Ehrhoff, and Brad Lukowich. Jeremy Roenick, one of the greatest American-born players in NHL history, decided to retire as a result of the defeat to the Ducks.

The Ducks don’t exactly have the same roster as the last postseason either, most notably because of the departure of Chris Pronger. Both teams decided to subract from the defense corps in order to add to their offensive lines, so it will be a very interesting battle all season.

Ducks coach Randy Carlyle will not release the roster until just before game-time tonight, but there aren’t as many options as there were just a few days ago. The recent roster cuts leave 33 players remaining on its training camp roster: 19 forwards, 11 defencemen and three goaltenders.

If I were a betting man (and I’m not saying that I’m not…), I’d bet that Scott Niedermayer, J.S. Giguere, and Bobby Ryan will be in the lineup tonight because none played in Saturday’s loss. Luca Sbisa should also see some more action as the coaching staff still needs to decide if Sbisa is NHL ready by their standards. The Ducks will have two days off after tonight’s game, so look for them to field a team with more regulars than rookies.

The Sharks, meanwhile, played a veteran-filled lineup against the Phoenix Coyotes on Saturday. Included in Saturday’s roster were Joe Thornton, Devin Setoguchi, Patrick Marleau, Ryan Clowe, Dan Boyle, Evgeni Nabokov and newly acquired Heatley. Look for the Sharks to have a similar lineup tonight.


- Brian Salcido cleared waivers over the weekend and will report to Manitoba of the AHL. Salcido had a disappointing camp and is under contract for only this upcoming season. He may still have a chance to play for the big club if the Ducks have an injury on the blueline, but the fact that the Ducks’ defense is already stacked with veterans will make it extremely difficult.

- The Ducks will play the Sharks again on Friday in San Jose so there may be some bad blood built up by then. If tonight’s game includes more than a few fights, Friday’s matchup will be all the more interesting.

- I found out over the weekend that every Los Angeles Kings game telecast this season will be in High Definition. All 65 of them. They will also have three games nationally telecast. That’s exactly THREE MORE THAN THE DUCKS. Whoever plans the TV schedule must really hate the Ducks.

There's a Reason We Love Computer Games

Videogames have become as much a pillar of the entertainment world, our books and movies. How many of us to monitor or TV screen like flies? A little history may help explain the phenomenon. Initially the computers all work and no play,, Game, which is outrageous expensive to build and operate. But the software engineers and designers, which is full children soon began to adjust to the large room-filling machines. In his idle hours to think that maybe the kind of cool on the computer to display some planets and spaceships flying around the galaxy. One of the 1960s, a group of fun-loving computer genius Spacewar, the father of the famous The Game Arcade Asteroid created. These games were well received by the genius and ordinary as the people who are genius plans to encourage more fun. We have used computers for,, Game, Game, many redirects, but somehow the visual, Game, aspect of imagination enabled games. By the time we Pong, Pacman and a series of games constantly changing, including software that could eventually beat chess masters in their own game. Because the software of the 1980s was still very sophisticated, the invention of Sim City. This product thoroughly on the case with all the previous games, players drafted in a fantasy world. Not unlike, Game, the books and tapes that, Game, the video was very well mentally. Sim City really helped the User amazing cities and even create worlds. In the 1980s, a group of computer programmers, Game, began to create a program that you will see all the animation by computer. The images, Game, began very simple, almost like stick figures, but they can dance in time to a song. No skin, no facial features, but it was very exciting to think what will come with, Game, more powerful computers. The force has increased exponentially, and more than 20 years, has only a fabulout computer-generated effects and character in the movie, but the realism of video, Game, games became a big leap forward. A good game to focus on another world and, unlike a book or a movie, a game provides an interactive experience. In fact, at least, a popular computer game to be an action, Game, movie, I think Mario Bros. But it's funny that sometimes a simple game can be as fun and play much more sophisticated. Some of the most beloved games of all Tetris (stacking, Game, blocks), Pac Man and Pong. A modern computer will continue to be a great job of playing state-of-the-art video games. There, Game, are hundreds of options, including many who put up against other players. Then there are specialty console as PlayStation, Nintendo and Xbox 360. With tricked out controllers, guitars and sticks, can develop a true hand-eye coordination to play many modern titles. One of the most fun educational games and Roller Coaster Tycoon, where you have your fun and then the "real" decisions "that customers on trips to take. If a customer has lost his meal in a roller coaster that you want to have a better guardian or visitors can go a long way off. You can see the data and, Game, save money for the construction of more sidewalks. This is a great game. But the bottom line of why we are so in love with computer programs that save our imagination of many interactive ways. Our games are valuable assets and it is advisable to treat them with care to make them last.

TV and Wii Game Console - A Complete Home Entertainment Kit

The idea of the Wii console was designed in 2001,, Game, Nintendo singles game designers. In principle, design style Nintendo DS, Wii is a seventh generation video game console, which is able to play the game in all the, Game, official Rubik's Cube competitions. Until April 2006, it was known as the console, code-named Revolution. As the name revolution is a long and difficult pronunciation, the company has developed a new name "Wii", which is short, easy to highlight. The reason is cited to choose the name of the company, if we sound like Wii game consoles, emphasizing each console. In the Wii is spelled with two lower, Game, case 'I' word, like the, Game, position of two people close to the collection on behalf of the player of the game. The Wii console is a very smooth and smart devices, the thickness is only 2 centimeters. The width of the console is about 6 inches long, about 8 and a half an inch. As the design is very compact and compression, can be mounted on a TV is easy. This console has four ports, four controllers, the player's enjoyment of these games at the same time. It has become a very popular home video game consoles, and often a reason to work with your family and friends. Very simple to use console, play, Game, games and you have not been resolved,, Game, in order to enjoy these games. Nintendo Wii also comes with parental controls, parents of these, Game, games, they are not considered suitable for kids to play slots. As the Nintendo Wii's Internet browser options, there is an option to block access to Internet also. The Wii console is a wireless communications system and equipped with a four-compatible remote control. The SOI – CMOS chip, the power of Nintendo's Wii has been designed and developed in cooperation with IBM. The Wii remote control console is a masterpiece,,, Game, Game, because they are very accurate motion-sensing technology. The remote control can also be used in many other games. The design is so remote users, regardless of the game with the help of traditional buttons, and body posture and body can manage. Another component of the Nintendo Wii console input device is a double, Game, stick. They are also very comfortable, because they use the appropriate players in the, Game, hand is easy with the remote, and have more features and more business needs a more remote player, Game, . Wii console sales record achieved since the launch and successfully beyond its competitors in the early years of their own. In the first half of 2007, Wii game console sales in North America, more than the combined sales of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 30. At present, Japan leads the market in total sales,, Game, but also a very good margin on its competitors. All the material interests of, Wii game console is also a key issue for some because of the use of the Wii console is considered to be more demanding and physical complaints from users sometimes this console from tennis elbow. Nevertheless, significant support and popularity of Nintendo Wii's try, Game, ing to get all of, Game, the criticisms and put forward its own place in the video game market.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

La corda d'oro 3

I just found out that La corda d’oro 3 will be released next year! The seiyuu cast will remain the same, but the characters and the story will be altered completely. The new story will take place eight years after La corda d’oro 1 and 2. Unlike the previous games, the protagonist will be living in a dorm with the male characters!

Nooo I don’t want Kiriya-kun; Hihara-senpai; stalker Kaji-kun and Tsukimori-kun to leave… And from the official images released so far, it seems that we have a blue-hair Hihara-senpai and Wakaouji-sensei from Tokimemo GS 2!? I hope that the characters’ design is not finalised yet… I don’t want to see Hihara-senpai cosplaying as Tsukimori-kun!

I guess it is time for La corda d’oro to release 3, as much as I don’t want it to! I remember me getting really obsessed with La corda d’oro 1 five or six years ago? That was the time when I was in high school. Now I have finished a Master and working… Time does fly ;;^^. Anyway, this is definitely on my buy list (even though Koei is so evil and they would probably release expansion packs…).  Will update with more information when it’s available!

Images and information from Fami.

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SAVE $5 – Sony PlayStation 3 Blu-ray Disc Remote $19.99

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Last updated: September 19, 2009, 11:15 pm


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Saturday, September 19, 2009


Welcome to Perplexity, a real life staged game of mafia, inspired by the original game played throughout our lives and the online game epicmafia. Today, we began the very first assembly of the game and rules, and the following is a brief overview of Perplexity and how it works, mostly focusing on the format of this blog. Over time, we will add and change things to all of the above as it comes up and suits our needs.

This blog will have a very specific form and format to it. The aim is for every game to last a week, and we’ll start a new one every week, even if the last one didn’t finish (which we’re gonna aim at not happening). On Sunday, we will post the rules and general synopsis of the week. It will start with the rules, moving on to the planned times of the game (IE what’s happening what day) and then move onto the roles being assigned this week and the players playing. This is just a general overview for our players and any spectators to the game.

The game itself is much like any traditional version of Mafia. For those of you unfamiliar with the game, the game pits two basic teams against each other, the mafia and the villagers. The mafia’s goal in the game is to kill all of the villagers. The villager’s goal is to kill all the mafia. Whoever accomplishes their goal first wins the game. Quite simple. To do so, every day the villagers will choose one person to lynch, though they may opt out of doing so. Also, the mafia will choose one person to kill every night. The game continues until one group of people completely succeeds.

Throughout the week, posting will be different from the Sunday posts. Every day there will be a daily update of the PREVIOUS day’s activity including who was killed, who was lynched and how the votes worked out for the lynching. We will also write up a little bit of story and such things that happened throughout the day and that may be relevant for any viewers or players. Players will not be able to see the blog until after they find out in real life.

We will start with a small group of “beta testers” of this game before launching it for larger and more diverse and competitive games. For all of these, we will be in control and not playing because someone has to keep order happening. We hope you enjoy watching and we CERTAINLY hope all the players enjoy playing. The real life and extended aspect of the game we feel will add for more drama, alliances, lying, etc etc etc. All things that make a fun game.

We hope you enjoy!

-Abby and Alex, creators of Perplexity

Monopoly City Streets: Day 2, Lots of Cheaters

It’s Day 2 after the Monopoly City Streets restart. And that’s how the Leaderboard now looks like:

Screenshot Monopoly City Streets at 2009-09-19, showing Leaderboard of Cheaters

Lots of players with $400M and up. On Day 2.

That surely ruins the fun in the game.

And what makes it even worse, is that the Monopoly City Streets support on Twitter (@MonopolyCitySts) doesn’t seem to (publically) respond to questions about cheaters. Also the official Blog is way too quiet about this.

Playing with cheaters is a HUGE


Friday, September 18, 2009


I am sure you all have an opinion of what the best game is. Wii Fit, Pokemon Platinum, TF2, list goes on…

Anyway, I am sorry to inform you that whatever you think is wrong. The best game on Earth is now Scribblenauts.

Check this out. That pretty much explains the whole game. Basically, what you do is, you get a task that you have to complete, like “feed the chef” or whatever, and you type in an object, ANY object, like “chicken tikka”, and it will COME ON THE SCREEN!


I made a ninja defeat a Kraken by using a magic wand to turn him into a frog.


Buy it. Download it. I don’t CARE what you do, but everybody MUST feel the blessing of this game!!!

Dicas úteis para reuniões – Parte 2

Você está cansado(a) de reuniões improdutivas? Você tem uma reunião amanhã e está desesperado( a) porque não se preparou e não faz nem idéia do que vão falar lá? Calma! Seus problemas acabaram…





*** A tabela abaixo permite a composição de dez mil sentenças: basta combinar, em seqüência, uma frase da primeira coluna, com uma da segunda, da terceira e da quarta (seguindo a mesma linha, ou “pulando”de uma para outra).

O resultado sempre será uma sentença correta, mas sem nenhum conteúdo.

Experimente na próxima reunião e impressione o seu chefe!!!

Programa como falar em público: “TECHINICAL EMBROMATION” !!!

Coluna 1 Coluna 2 Coluna 3 Coluna 4 Caros colegas, a execução deste projeto nos obriga à análise das nossas opções de desenvolvimento futuro. Por outro lado, a complexidade dos estudos efetuados cumpre um papel essencial na formulação das nossas metas financeiras e administrativas. Não podemos esquecer que a atual estrutura de organização auxilia a preparação e a estruturação das atitudes e das atribuições da diretoria. Do mesmo modo, o novo modelo estrutural aqui preconizado contribui para a correta determinação das novas proposições. A prática mostra que o desenvolvimento de formas distintas de atuação assume importantes posições na definição das opções básicas para o sucesso do programa. Nunca é demais insistir que a constante divulgação das informações facilita a definição do nosso sistema de formação de quadros. A experiência mostra que a consolidação das estruturas prejudica a percepção da importância das condições apropriadas para os negócios. É fundamental ressaltar que a análise dos diversos resultados oferece uma boa oportunidade de verificação dos índices pretendidos. O incentivo ao avanço tecnológico, assim como o início do programa de formação de atitudes acarreta um processo de reformulação das formas de ação. Assim mesmo, a expansão de nossa atividade exige precisão e definição dos conceitos de participação geral

Impressionado? Veja o testemunho de vários usuários satisfeitos:

a. “Ao terminar de falar, fui aplaudido por todos de pé!“;

b. “A minha capacidade de falar em público aumentou muito desde que comecei a usar o método Techinical Embromation “;

c. “Meu chefe não prestou atenção mas disse que falei muito bem durante a reunião“

d. “O mais legal foi ouvir antes dos aplausos duas pessoas gritarem BINGO.“

E não deixe de ler também as Dicas úteis para reuniões – Parte 1

Season Structure of NHL

The National Hockey League season is divided into an exhibition season (September), a regular season (from the first week in October through early to mid April) and a postseason (the Stanley Cup playoffs). During the regular season, clubs play each other in a predefined schedule. The Stanley Cup playoffs, which goes from April to the beginning of June, is an elimination tournament where two teams play against each other to win a best-of-seven series in order to advance to the next round. The final remaining team is crowned the Stanley Cup champion. Beginning in 2007, the NHL regular season has begun in Europe while teams not involved complete their exhibition schedule. The 2008–2009 season began with the Pittsburgh Penguins facing off against the Ottawa Senators in Stockholm, Sweden and the New York Rangers taking on the Tampa Bay Lightning in Prague, Czech Republic. 

In the regular season, each team plays 82 games; 41 games at home and 41 on the road. Each team plays 24 games in its division (6 against each divisional opponent), and 40 games against non-divisional intra-conference opponents. That is, 4 games against each team in its conference, but not in its own division. Each team plays every team in the other conference at least once (one game each against 12 teams and two games against the remaining 3 teams). Prior to the 2008-2009 season, teams played 32 games within their division (8 games against each team in the division) and 10 inter-conference games (1 game against each team in two of the three divisions in the opposite conference). The two divisions from the opposite conference which each team plays against were rotated every year, much like interleague play in Major League Baseball. As with the current system, each team played 4 games against the other 10 teams in its conference, but not in its own division.

Points are awarded for each game, where two points are awarded for a win, one point for losing in overtime or a shootout, and zero points for a loss in regulation. Among major professional sports leagues, the NHL is the only one to award a team points for losing in overtime.

If you wanna have some stuff to this game just click

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Resident Evil 5 *Reloaded*


Produced by series veteran Jun Takeuchi, this next-generation follow-up to the terrifying series introduces the theme of escape as its core survival instinct. As Chris Redfield (former S.T.A.R.S. member and now part of the BSAA unit), your life is in danger as you strive to complete your most dangerous mission yet in a sweltering desert colony where a new breed of evil has been unleashed. Swarms of marauding evil beings will charge at you when your pulse is racing at a heart-shattering pace. Environments will play a bigger factor than ever here, using the power of next-gen systems to create a world where terror might lurk in any alcove or shadow. Powerful lighting effects overwhelm the player with mirage movement and blinding brilliance, and even in the light of day, there is no safe haven in this Resident Evil.

General Features

- Two Playable Characters Chris Redfield, protagonist of the original Resident Evil and Resident Evil: Code Veronica, returns and is joined by new playable character Sheva Alomar, an African BSAA agent tasked with investigating the epidemic.

- Two Player Online Co-op New cooperatively-focused gameplay revolutionizes the way that Resident Evil is played. Chris and Sheva must work together to survive new challenges and fight dangerous hordes of enemies.

- Next Generation of Fear Features groundbreaking graphics that utilize an advanced version of Capcoms proprietary game engine, MT Framework, which powered the hit titles Devil May Cry 4, Lost Planet and Dead Rising.

- Quick-Select Inventory System Improved inventory system allows items to be traded between characters. To add to the intensity, all inventory management is done in real time; items can even be assigned to the directional pad for instant access.

- New Control Schemes Features new modernized third-person action game control variations as well as the return of the traditional Resident Evil 4 control schemes.

- New Enemies Bring New Challenges Enemies boast increased speed and intelligence, making them as dangerous alone as they are in groups.

- Powerful New Weapons The number of weapon variations has been greatly increased providing new ways to keep enemies at bay.

- Fear Light as much as Shadow Lighting effects provide a new level of suspense as players attempt to survive in both harsh sunlight and extreme darkness.

Minimum Requirements

Windows XP

Intel Pentium D Processor / AMD Athlon64 X2

512 MB for Windows XP (1 GB for Windows Vista)

8.0 GB hard disk space

800 by 600 monitor

DVD-ROM drive

DirectX 9.0c Graphics Card (Shader 3.0) NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series / ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro (256 MB VRAM)

DirectSound compatible Sound Card (DirectX9.0c or higher)

Mouse & Keyboard

Recommended Requirements

Windows Vista

Intel Core 2 Quad Processor / AMD Phenom X4

1 GB for Windows XP (2 GB for Windows Vista)

1280 by 720 monitor

NVIDIA GeForce 9800 series / ATI Radeon HD 4800 series (512 VRAM or more)

Xbox 360 Controller for Windows

Broadband Internet Connection


New CoD:Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Details & Video(Cam)

So the guys over at Joystiq (lucky bastards) got to enjoy four hours of frag-fest, customized killstreak, and new perks of what I’m sure will be the game of the year…of course I am speaking of CoD:Modern Warfare 2. The early preview was part of a multiplayer event of CoD:MW2 hosted by Microsoft, where they also announced the limited edition console which was posted yesterday. I was gonna post some screenshots but luckily someone at the event was kind enough to record some video(cam) so here’s both, enjoy there’s a few ‘em. But first check out a list of some new customizations, that Joystiq mentioned you will be able to equip.

  • Bling (two primary weapon attachments at the same time, like a red-dot sight and a silencer)
  • Scavenger (get a full ammo replenishment from a dead enemy)
  • Hardline (each Killstreak bonus costs 1 kill less)
  • Akimbo (dual wield pistols)

All the perks can be leveled up.

  • Counter-UAV (jam the enemy radar)
  • Airdrop (drop a crate nearby with a random Killsteak item in it)
  • Sentry Gun (automated turret awesomeness)
  • Predator Missile (a missile that you guide in via a computer screen)
  • Pave Low (armored assault chopper)

Customize killstreaks to they activate after a specified number of kills.

Deathstreaks (for those good at dying)
  • Copycat (steal class and loadout of player that keeps killing you)
  • Hardline (big health boost on your next spawn)

Now you’ll have an equipment slot for:

  • Semtex
  • throwing knife (which if you miss you’ll be able to pick it back up)
  • tactical insertion (a flare that lets you choose where to spawn)

On top of these new features and the classic kill cam, there is now a Game Winning Kill Cam that gives everyone a slow-motion shot of the game winning kill. Keep in mind that these are just a few of the new features, so expect more and know you can enjoy some footage.

Highrise Gameplay 1

Highrise Gameplay 2

Highrise Gameplay 3

Highrise Gameplay 4

Highrise Gameplay 5

Afghan Gameplay 1

Afghan Gameplay 2

via Joystiq


George Takei & Partner Are First Gay Couple On 'Newlywed Game'

AP/HuffPost—Even as states and jurisdictions made gay and lesbian marriages legal, “The Newlywed Game” has played it straight – until now.

The long-running game show, now on the GSN cable network, said Wednesday it will feature its first gay couple this season on a celebrity edition. George Takei, who played Mr. Sulu on “Star Trek,” will appear with his partner, Brad Altman.

Actor George Takei, right, and Brad Altman arrive for the 81st Academy Awards in the Hollywood section of Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello, file)

They just celebrated their first anniversary after being married in Los Angeles last September, but they’re nothing like the giggly young couples the game is known for. Takei and Altman have been together for 22 years.

“What we want is to display the normality and the joy of having a happy union,” Takei said.

“The Newlywed Game” has been on TV off and on since it premiered in prime-time on ABC in 1967, mostly with Bob Eubanks as host. Singer Carnie Wilson is now host of the show, which is in its second season on GSN and done well in the ratings for the network.

Read more….

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What is TYPE-MOON?

Type-moon adalah salah satu diantara sekian banyak studio game jepang yang mengembangkan game jenis visual novel………

Didirikan oleh Takashi Takeuchi (artist) dan Kinoko Nasu (writer) pada tahun 2000, proyek pertama typemoon adalah Tsukihime. Namun sebelum itu mereka pernah menerbitkan novel The Garden of Sinners (Kara no Kyoukai) yang diproduksi dalam jumlah terbatas, yang kemudian novel tersebut diterbitkan kembali pada tahun 2004.

Tsukihime muncul sebagai sebuah game doujin (game yang dibuat sendiri oleh orang2 yang memiliki hobi yang sama), meskipun begitu dari segi cerita, karakter juga musiknya jauh melebihi semua game doujin yang pernah dibuat pada saat itu, atau bahkan sebanding atau malah lebih bagus dari game yang dibuat oleh sebuah perusahaan game…… (kalau menurutku cerita game ini, hingga saat ini,…masih berada dalam barisan novel/game dengan rangkaian cerita terbaik yang pernah kutemukan)

Oh ya, Semua novel visual typemoon sebelum fate berwujud game doujin, dan dirilis di comiket. baru setelah kemunculan fate, type-moon berubah menjadi perusahaan komersil……. Yang berarti, memiliki semua persyaratan legalitas seperti izin usaha, yang dikuatkan dengan UU. Jadi, hati2 kalau mau membajak, nanti bisa dituntut….… hauahahahahahaha

Typemoon works :

1. Kara no Kyoukai (Novel / 1998)

Kara no Kyoukai(Movie/2007)

2. Tsukihime (Visual Novel / 2000)

Tsukihime Plus-Disc (Visual Novel/ 2001)

Kagetsu Tohya …….

Typemoon works :

  1. Kara no Kyoukai (Novel / 1998)

Kara no Kyoukai(Movie/2007)

  1. Tsukihime (Visual Novel / 2000)

Tsukihime Plus-Disc (Visual Novel/ 2001)

Kagetsu Tohya (Sequel to Tsukihime / Visual Novel / 2001)

Tsuki-bako (set berisi tsukihime, plus-disc dan kagetsu tohya/2003)

___Shingetsutan Tsukihime (TV Series / 2003)

___tsukihime manga (October 2003 – masih lanjut/art by Sasaki Shonen)

  1. Fate/Stay Night (Visual Novel / 2004)

Fate/Hollow Ataraxia (Sequel to Fate / Visual Novel / 2005)

Fate/Zero (Prequel to Fate / Novel / 2007)

___Fate/Stay Night (TV Series / 2006)

___Fate/Stay Night manga (by Datto Nishikawa/on going)

___Fate/unlimited codes (3D fighting game made by Eighting-cavia/Capcom)

___Fate/Tiger Colosseum (By: Capcom dan Cavia/PSP/Fighting / 2007)

  1. DDD (Decoration Disorder Disconnection)

takes place in a modern world where they labeled a mysterious disease being “possessed by a demon.” This is a story of the one armed Ishizuka Arika and his strange experiences concerning Demons. The boy on the cover is Karyou Kirie, who has all his limbs replaced with artificial ones. He supports Arika from his hide-out, but he seems to have a lot of mysteries himself………..beda dari yang biasanya artworknya beda, karakter designernya beda,……awal2 langsung ada mutilasi.

Other works, yang mungkin bisa dimasukkan :

ü Valkyria :

Seri doujinshi awal Takeuchi. Ada 4 episodes yaitu: Valkyria, Valyria 1.5, Valkyria 2, and Valkyria NEAV Saga.

ü Angel Voice

A doujinshi on the topic of Angels. One of Takeuchi and Nasu’s earliest works. Nasu menulis novelnya, Notes , sedangkan Takeuchi menggambar manganya, Clowick Canaan-Vail

They were included in the Tsukihime Dokuhon, the blue book.

ü Tsukihime Dokuhon Plus Period

Artbook Tsukihime. remake untuk versi komersil dari buku2 yang diterbitkan saat masih berwujud doujin. Terbit dalam “full color”, isi lebih banyak dari sebelumnya dengan berbagai macam tambahan. Initial versions known as White Book, Black Book, Blue Book/Tsukihime Dokuhon.

You can read a Tsukihime after story called Talk in Plus Period.

Published October 2004.

ü Character Material

Artbook full color yang didalamnya juga berisi tentang berbagai konsep karakter yang tidak dimunculkan dalam karyanya, diterbitkan pada bulan agustus 2006.

Doujin Games:

(kolaborasi dengan Soft Circle French-Bread)

  • Melty Blood (Fighting / 2002)
  • Melty Blood: ReAct (Melty Blood Expansion / Fighting / 2004)
  • Melty Blood: ReAct Final Tuned (ReAct Expanion / Fighting / 2004)
  • Dilisensi oleh Ecole Software

-          Melty Blood: Act Cadenza (arcade sega Naomi/2005)

-          Melty Blood: Act Cadenza (PS2 Port / Fighting / 2006)

-          Melty Blood: Act Cadenza ver.B (arcade/windows/Fighting / 2007)

-          Melty Blood: Actress Again (arcade/ps2/Fighting/2009 untuk ps2nya)

Doujin Games (stand alone creators):

(By : Watanabe Seisakujo

Glove on Fight (Boxing / 2002)

(By: 01step)

Tobi Tsukihime (Shooting / 2006)

(By: ???)

Queen Buster (Fighting /???)

(By Werk: Game Creater Team)

Battle Moon Wars (Strategy / 2005)

Battle Moon Wars 2nd Act (Strategy / 2006)

Battle Moon Wars 3rd Act (Strategy / 2005)

Battle Moon Wars 4rd Act (Strategy/????)

(By: Lights)

Fatal Fake (Fighting / 2005)

(By: Rapid Fire -Game Production Team-)

Fate/Sword Dance (Fighting / ????)

Guardian Heroines Final (RPG- Beat ‘Em Up Hybrid / ????)

*IF anyone got the dates for those ones Dan info lainnya seputar ini, send a note…..

Yoo sharing di pesbok, ……….

Miriels Enchanted Mystery game

Join Miriel as she once again travels the world opening shops and using her magic to help sell tasty goods. This time, though, everything is not as it seems! A mysterious artifact has come into her possession that leads her down a path of folklore, intrigue and ancient power. It’s going to take a lot of work to save the world and Miriel needs your help!

Learn more about Miriels Enchanted Mystery game

Lineup for Wednesday's Preseason Opener

The unofficial roster has been set for Wednesday night’s preseason opener against the Phoenix Coyotes. By pointless and unenforced NHL rules, clubs are expected to dress eight regulars for each preseason game. Even though this rule is not enforced, tomorrow’s linup looks like it comes close. The expected starting line combinations are below and are ordered from left- to right-wing.



Bobby Ryan     -     Peter Holland     -     Dan Sexton

Nicolas Deschamps     -     Maxime Macenauer     -     Joffrey Lupul

Evgeny Artyukhin     -     Ryan Carter     -     Troy Bodie

Matt Beleskey     -     Petteri Nokelainen     -     Mike Brown


Luca Sbisa     -     Sheldon Brookbank

Brian Salcido     -     Nick Boynton

Brendan Mikkelson     -     Steve Eminger


Jonas Hiller     -     Timo Pielmeier


Only five of those players, Holland, Sexton, Deschamps, Macenauer, and Pielmeier, should be unfamiliar to Ducks fans. The rest have either played for the Ducks or for other NHL teams which gives a pretty good mix to the linup. As it stands right now, the Artyukhin-Carter-Bodie line looks like the only full line that could actually make it’s way into the regular season.


We all know newcomers Sbisa and Artyukhin will be carefully watched as both are expected to make the linup, but here are a few others that will be under the microscope come gametime:

Troy Bodie – General Manager Brian Murray is hoping that Bodie will develop into the type of player that Travis Moen became: tenacious, defensively reliable, and able to chip in offensively. Bodie will need to really earn his spot this season as there is ample competition for the bottom six forward spots.

Matt Beleskey – Another young forward that played a few games for the Ducks last season will look to crack the linup this year. A mid-season call-up, Beleskey earned a look after posting great numbers in the OHL (41-49-90 in 62 games) and very respectable first-year numbers in the AHL (11-24-35 in 58 games). He was thrust into the spotlight on the same line as Teemu Selanne but didn’t dazzle and was sent down after only two games. He has good size and offensive ability, but if he doens’t produce he’ll be looking at a full year in the minors.

Brian Salcido – Salcido has looked impressive in training camp, particularly in the scrimmages. He showed poise and was responsible at his own end in the only two games he played with the big club, and he even earned an assist and was plus-2. Salcido has put in his time at the minor league level and has improved tremendously, but like everyone else, he will need to outplay quite a few players to earn a roster spot.

I might normally complain here about the lack of TV coverage during the preseason, but it doesn’t seem appropriate given that 13 regular season games won’t be televised. Let’s just be happy with the fact that the NHL preseason is finally underway.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

If Mr. Big Can Get Married, What's Chris Noth Waiting For?

The internet was a buzz today with news that Chris Noth just got engaged to his longtime girlfriend Tara Lynn Wilson. It seems that everyone was so excited that Mr. Big and Carrie Bradshaw finally tied the knot in the Sex and the City movie that they wanted a happy ending for his portrayer too. Alas, Chris quashed those rumors at, calling them “completely bogus.”

Well, perhaps it’s “bogus” as of this moment, but who knows? Maybe he’ll enjoy playing Carrie’s husband in the SATC sequel so much that he’ll change his mind. Could Chris Noth surprise us all and get married before Sex and the City 2 wraps?

The Predicto community is split on this issue, with 50% predicting that Chris Noth will exchange wedding vows with his girlfriend before filming ends.

“If there’s a marriage, they will either elope to avoid the paparazzi or get hitched well after production. I’d say a month before the premiere,” says ”myag3044″.

“Why are we always in a hurry to get people married off,“ counters “vallynandmatt”.

Why indeed? Perhaps it’s just a simple fact that we love to see celebs get married! Check out the Celebrity Insider page at for the scoop on all celebrity nuptials, and as always, check out to see if our community can correctly predict which celebs are headed for the altar!

Persona 4

akhirnya yang ditunggu – tunggu muncul juga . sebenarnya sih sudah lama rilisnya tanggal 4 juni tapi yang masih versi bahasa jepangnya. berhubung tidak ngerti bahasa jepang makanya mesti nunggu maininnya sampe sekarang ini tapi ga papalah yang penting rasa penasaranku buat mainin game ini dah hilang. terima kasih deh buat Atlus yang masih setia ngerilis game game terutama RPG yang betul – betul berbobot di platform PS2 meskipun yang lainnya lagi gencar – gencarnya bikin game di konsol nextgen dan handheld. betul – betul penghibur kesedihan karena ga mampu beli konsol nextgen T_T.

yahh cukuplah basa basinya skarang waktunya buat ngereview game the most memorable ini (menurut saya^^). bersetting di sebuah kota kecil yang tradisionil di jepang, seorang siswa SMU (seperti biasa) pindah sekolah di kota ini.

masih banyak yang dipertahankan dari seri sebelumnya kayak sistem battle yang cuma bisa dikontrol oleh karakter kita sendiri (tapi bisa juga disetting biar kita bisa mengendalikan partner kita jg), fusion persona (tapi di persona 4 bukan di velvet room lagi tapi di dalam mobil), dan ga ketinggalan unsur love simsnya^^.

bedanya dengan persona 3 juga banyak. cara manggil personanya yang kontroversial dah diganti dengan memakai kacamata dan kartu. agak kecewa juga sih sistemnya diganti padahal gaya manggil di persona 3 dengan menembak kepala menurut saya lebih keren. tapi kekurangan itu ga bakalan mengurangi keasikan main game ini. selamat bermain persona 4

Monday, September 14, 2009

Video: 3D Dot Game Heroes

Que tal agradables lectores les traigo un nuevo video de 3D Dot Game Heroes otro juego exclusivo del Ps3, tal vez lo recuerdes porque este será el Zelda pixeleado de Ps3 pero totalmente en 3D, tal vez suene raro pero es algo que le da estilo original al juego y mientras sea RPG no me importa ya que siempre suelen ser geniales y creo que este no será la excepción si no chequen el video y lo comprobaran por sí mismos.

P.O.E.C: Preparando la semana de pre-producción

Estoy preparando la documentacion para los encuentro de pre-producción. Creo que reuniones periódicas serán muy importantes para el proyecto, pero no reuniones por reunirse sino para trabajar. La idea es que estos encuentros sirvan para que todo el grupo tenga las ideas claras, trabajo y sobretodo que estemos motivados.

Podéis descargar la plantilla de Brifing para la Demo:


The Digipen-Ubisoft entrance exam

The past weekend was so tiring because of the Digipen-Ubisoft entrance exam! Yup! I’m glad to say I made it out alive from the exam and now I’m waiting if I get the interview with Ubisoft. The interview will be my last hurdle before I’m accepted for the course, hurray! As for what I think about the exam, I must say it was a very overwhelming exam for an upgrading study course. While they have emphasized that this course is only for professionals and fresh graduates in games related industries, the exam expects the applicants to possess a great deal of knowledge and skill related to game design. It makes me wonder if the course intention is to teach people or just take in the experienced professionals to refresh them with what they more or less know. The exam was held over two days, from 9am to 4pm – talk about getting the weekend burnt There were 2 sessions of 2.5 hours, with an hour break in between, every day.

The first session required me to play two out of four Shockwave/Flash based games. After playing the games, I was required to write a 1000 words analysis for each game. This session isn’t hard but personally, I felt a bit starved for time. The first game was relatively easy, taking me 30 mins to complete and to grasp a clear idea of the game. I then had to spend nearly an hour writing out the analysis after which I realized that I was left with 1 hour to play and write for the second game! I quickly played the second game for a short 15 mins and wrote my second analysis with what I could get out from that 15 mins. I admit it was bad time management on my part but to properly grasp the concept and idea of a game, time is needed to observe and analyse, which is why I spent a fair bit of time on the first game. That night after the exam, I went back home to complete the second game only to realise that my second analysis was slightly inaccurate if I look at it as a full game. Oh well… I’m just going to console myself that it is accurate based on what I have experienced during the 15mins of play.

The second session was much easier. I was required to compare and contrast the two games that I played in a 2000 words essay, stating which one, in my opinion, is the ‘better’ game. For that, I managed to finish it on time! After the second session, we were given a take-home assignment which is to brainstorm about which core element of my chosen ‘better’ game will I change if I were given the power to.

Naturally, this take home brainstorming assignment is the topic of the next day’s Session 3. Session 3 required me to write another 2000 words essay about how the change in the core element of the game will affect the game as a whole. Session 3 was relatively alright except for the fact that by then, I was rather sick of typing words after a day of typing. Other than that, I quite like Session 3 as it makes me think of how a single change in one aspect of a game can affect other aspects and mechanics. It is definitely an issue that game developers often come across and will need to tackle.

The 4th session was probably the most interesting and yet the most hated topic in the exam. It goes like this – The “marketing” and “producers” are back from E3 and they noticed that this year’s trend is all about ROBOTS! Take your Session 3 essay and rewrite it to incorporate robots into the game. I find this topic very interesting as it allows room for creativity but I also hated this topic as it reminds me of work… about impromptu changes… more changes… and more changes… With an exam topic like this, I got a feeling that this course will be teaching me how to be immune to frequent changes, just like a robot… “YES MASTER!”

Sunday, September 13, 2009

#016 - Chronique d'un gamer (1)

Si tu es un brin perspicace, tu auras compris plusieurs choses en me lisant. Et notamment que j’aime assez les jeux vidéo. Bon, pas au point de dresser une toile de tente à l’entrée des magasins le jour d’une sortie de jeu… Non, quand même pas ! Mais, c’est un média et un art que j’affectionne tout particulièrement…

Je vous propose aujourd’hui une petite rubrique supplémentaire, qui reviendra peut-être à l’avenir, et qui tourne donc autour des jeux vidéo.

Ma première console était une Super Nintendo, mon premier jeu, Super Mario World. Classique pour un chiard de ma génération donc… J’ai fait mes pouces sur des pads cultes ! Mais, dans mon goût prononcé pour les jeux vidéo, je n’avais jamais développé le côté collecteur. J’n’étais pas du genre à retourner un jeu sprite par sprite pour trouver des objets spéciaux ou autres trésors… Je trouvais ça con… con et chronophage ! Inutile quoi… Indispensable pour certains, mais pas pour moi !

Et puis, et puis Prince of Persia sur Xbox 360. Prince et ses 1001 sphères/orbes de lumière disséminées dans l’intégralité des niveaux du jeu ! Avec au final, plusieurs achievements à débloquer… Je me lance, retourne le jeu jusqu’à avoir la totalité des sphères ! Pour la première fois, j’étais allé au bout du truc…

Je pensais que c’était passager. Une lubie visant à amortir l’investissement (le jeu en lui-même étant assez court, surtout lorsqu’on prend en compte que l’Epilogue était vendu à part, trop lol !) et puis Batman : Arkham Asylum… Batman et ses 240 défis répartis sous formes d’items à ramasser (des ?), des énigmes plus tordues les unes que les autres et autres joyeusetés (dentiers à détruire, point d’interrogation à reconstituer etc…) et je me prends aussi au jeu… Paf ! Hier soir, le petit achievement mignon venait récompenser mon sens du sérieux et surtout mes capacités de fin limier !

Maintenant, il ne me reste plus qu’à tirer parti de ces expériences vidéoludiques et que je les mettent à profit dans ma vie quotidienne ! C’est parti, demain, j’essaye de collecter l’intégralité de mes chaussettes qui trainent…

Flashback Product of the Week: 2004 UD SP Game Used Patch Edition

Being one of the more popular releases in 2004, Upper Deck SP Game Used Patch Edition could be the poster child for high-end hit or miss products.  You have to admit, the tin looks pretty cool and in my opinion is one of the better looking packages I’ve ever seen for a high-end product.  Inside each box you’ll find one 3-card pack that will contain one patch relic or autographed jersey numbered to 50 or less.  This product is packed with some of the nicest looking patch relics you could pull.  If you got really lucky, you might have been able to pull a cut signature of a historical figure like a President.  Some of my favorite cards from this product are the Stellar Combos Dual Relics which team-up some of the best players baseball has ever seen.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

I'm a Lucky Man... Nerd

I’m rolling a new character for a Dungeons & Dragons game, and have a history of being very lucky with my attribute rolls. And… this time around was no exception. The character is a male Lv5 Blink Dog Sorcerer, and his base stats are as follows. Note to non-D&D players, stats range from 1-18 plus bonuses.

  • 15 Strength
  • 20 Dexterity
  • 16 Constitution
  • 13 Intellect
  • 17 Wisdom
  • 18 Charisma
  • 14 Appearance

I am a lucky boy.


Biaya Manufaktur PS3 Turun sebesar 70 Persen

Mungkin harapan para gamer untuk memiliki PS3 dengan harga murah bakal terwujud. Dalam sebuah konferensi yang di adakan untuk para investor, CEO Sony Corporation dan Vice President Nobuyuki Oneda telah mengungkapkan bahwa biaya produksi dari PS3 telah berkurang 70 persen sejak awal peluncurannya. Meskipun tidak memberikan angka yang pasti, diperkirakan bahwa kini biaya produksi berada pada kisaran harga $240, yang sebelumnya pada harga $800. Jika informasi ini benar, maka ini akan menjadi berita yang fantastis dari Sony, karena dengan adanya pengurangan biaya ini tentunya akan berpengaruh dengan isu pemotongan harga konsol yang sebelumnya santer terdengar, atau kemungkinan peluncuran PS3 Slim bisa terjadi. Sony akan memotong harga PS3 sebesar $100 pada pertengahan Agustus ini bersamaan dengan perilisan game Madden NFL 2010.


Sonic 2D HD da Sega! De verdade!

Justamente num dia “cabalístico” novenovenove e quando estou extremamente ocupado, acontece uma super novidade. Fora a notícia da chegada do Rock Band The Beatles que você já viu, e no dia do aniversário do finado Dreamcast, a Sega lançou um trailer ao mundo que, particularmente, me deixou empolgadasso.

Bom, eu sou Old Scholl dos games, e como convesei algumas vezes com um amigo meu, chegávamos a conclusão de que se as produtoras de games fizessem os seus remakes em versões redesenhadas, usando as tecnologias que temos em mãos hoje, com certeza atrairiam muita gente nova para saber dos games das antigas.

E o que a está rolando? A Sega vai fazer um Sonic em 2D, inédito, simples e dinâmico, como os games que marcaram a geração 16-Bits. Eu disse simples? Nah… O simples que eu digo, e acredito, deve ser a jogabilidade que marcou o Sonic do Mega Drive.

Pois de simples, pelo menos no sentido gráfico, ele não vai ter nada, pois o  novo jogo vai ter o melhor da alta definição para olhos sedentos por um jogo 2D bem  bonito e sem complicações tridimensionais.

A Sega gritou aos quatro cantos do mundo gamer que o Project Needlemouse está incumbido de produzir o novo Sonic 2D, como os jogos de Mega Drive, e sem cagar as versões 3D, que acabou desgastando muito a imagem do ouriço azul. Como eu disse antes, ele vai ser em alta definição e o jogo promete. E mantenha a calma, o jogo está previsto para 2010.

Assista o trailer que todo mundo publicou!


Friday, September 11, 2009

How to Disqualify Girlies who are Familar with Game

You are SO my new wing-girl!

I haven’t tried this yet as I’ve met no girls off the net who are familiar with Game.

And here’s a disqualifier for if you’re called out:

Are you gaming me?

Nuh, I save that for the hotties. You’re totally my new wing-girl, though!

Again, I’ve had no need to use this as I’ve never been called out. I’m pretty sure these would both be effective, though.
