Saturday, September 19, 2009


Welcome to Perplexity, a real life staged game of mafia, inspired by the original game played throughout our lives and the online game epicmafia. Today, we began the very first assembly of the game and rules, and the following is a brief overview of Perplexity and how it works, mostly focusing on the format of this blog. Over time, we will add and change things to all of the above as it comes up and suits our needs.

This blog will have a very specific form and format to it. The aim is for every game to last a week, and we’ll start a new one every week, even if the last one didn’t finish (which we’re gonna aim at not happening). On Sunday, we will post the rules and general synopsis of the week. It will start with the rules, moving on to the planned times of the game (IE what’s happening what day) and then move onto the roles being assigned this week and the players playing. This is just a general overview for our players and any spectators to the game.

The game itself is much like any traditional version of Mafia. For those of you unfamiliar with the game, the game pits two basic teams against each other, the mafia and the villagers. The mafia’s goal in the game is to kill all of the villagers. The villager’s goal is to kill all the mafia. Whoever accomplishes their goal first wins the game. Quite simple. To do so, every day the villagers will choose one person to lynch, though they may opt out of doing so. Also, the mafia will choose one person to kill every night. The game continues until one group of people completely succeeds.

Throughout the week, posting will be different from the Sunday posts. Every day there will be a daily update of the PREVIOUS day’s activity including who was killed, who was lynched and how the votes worked out for the lynching. We will also write up a little bit of story and such things that happened throughout the day and that may be relevant for any viewers or players. Players will not be able to see the blog until after they find out in real life.

We will start with a small group of “beta testers” of this game before launching it for larger and more diverse and competitive games. For all of these, we will be in control and not playing because someone has to keep order happening. We hope you enjoy watching and we CERTAINLY hope all the players enjoy playing. The real life and extended aspect of the game we feel will add for more drama, alliances, lying, etc etc etc. All things that make a fun game.

We hope you enjoy!

-Abby and Alex, creators of Perplexity

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