Saturday, October 31, 2009

Campfire Legends - The Hookman: Escape the Hookman - if you can!

Campfire Legends – The Hookman (131 MB download)
Uncover the story-behind-the-story from one of the scariest tales ever in Campfire Legends – The Hookman, a hidden object adventure of darkness, shadows and frights! Walk in Christine’s footsteps as her plans for a romantic getaway turn into a frightful night of finding lost items, discovering mysterious clues, and escaping alive. Only with nerves of steel and a clear mind can you find life-saving objects and solve challenging puzzles. Can you escape The Hookman?

Kelly Green: Cultivate a buzzing organic nursery!

Kelly Green (66 MB download)
City gal Kelly has abandoned the concrete jungle for a budding organic nursery in Kelly Green Garden Queen. Play as Kelly while her hippie brother and other quirky relatives pitch in to help in the garden. Arrange floral bouquets with your own creative flair, calm impatient customers with lemonade, or wow the local farmer with an array of 20 different plants. Do you have what it takes to expand the nursery from a few pots to a large and thriving oasis?

1989: Google Images

I Googled my year of birth and here’s a nice selection of the images I got:

Lunar Planetary Institute Summer Intern Alumni, 1989

1989 Chevrolet Camaro

Sky News in 1989

Some bloke, in the computer room at Bournemouth Borough Council, 1989.

Berlin Wall, 1989

Scene from Bollywood film, "Ram Lakhan" released in 1989

Nintendo 'Game Boy', 1989

It’s not that long ago but the pictures do look rather old fashioned, I’d be interested to see other people’s year of birth in Google image results.

TanukeMedia presents - The Theater

Happy Halloween everyone! As a gift for everyone who’s supported us over this first shaky year, we present Tanuke’s first TF game, The Theater.

In this adventure game, you play a young teen on Halloween night who must save his friends who have been taken over by cursed costumes, or be trapped forever in the body of a dim-witted monster. There are multiple endings, including a special epilogue awarded for finding all the hidden items in the game.

If you enjoy the game, please consider donating to Tanuke so we can continue to provide you with games, videos, and podcasts. Thank you all for your support!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Henrietta Game: The Academy 26/10/09

First photo post will be about Henrietta Game, a band nice enough to have employed me twice at this stage. The band were kind enough to hire me to take photos of them the night they were supporting Peter Green of Fleetwood Mac fame. While I wasn’t allowed take any photographs of Peter himself I did have great fun at the gig taking pictures of the band.

PSP Car Games Comparison

After the recent release of a few driving games on the PSP I thought it might be worth taking a look at them across various sections so that people looking to buy can make a more informed choice.

For full reviews of each see the links below:




So here we go…


Obviously a big part of any gaming experience but boy do people love cars that look good

Dirt 2 is the least prettiest of the three with Motorstorm’s slightly cartoonish style in second place. Gran Turismo takes the chequered flag in this department, with some lush visuals although the odd screen tear stops it getting a perfect 10.

Motorstorm 8

Gran Turismo 9

Dirt 2 6


Dirt 2: “The least prettiest of the three…”



How your car handles is obviously an important part of any driving game and these titles are no different.

Motorstorm’s use of boost is well implemented and you only ever feel out of control via your own mistakes.

Gran Turismo’s handling is lifelike and if you try to drive like a maniac you will up in the wall before long.

Dirt 2 isn’t too bad in this respect but at times it’s difficult to tell whether the game is keeping tabs on things like grip etc as it’s often possible to just hold down accelerate and take turns.

Motorstorm 8

Gran Turismo 9

Dirt 2 7



No doubt about the winner here – Motorstorm has a fabulous single player campaign of ranking up and tackling different events in different vehicles.

Gran Turismo doesn’t have much in the way of modes for single player, it’s just race where you want to and while Dirt 2 does have a World Tour mode it’s pretty limited and doesn’t have much to keep you coming back.

Motorstorm 9

Gran Turismo 7

Dirt 2 7


Motorstorm: “Has a fabulous single player campaign.”



Again Motorstorm takes this hands down – some great tracks on there including the anthem ‘Omen’ by The Prodigy. Good use of music.

Well the other two games are much of a muchness – not a great deal of music, surely they could’ve squeezed some more tunes in there?

Motorstorm 9

Gran Turismo 7

Dirt 2 8



Gran Turismo wins out in the engine stakes – you really can hear the difference in vehicles, even when the cars are similar.

More impressive than Motorstorm because Motorstorm’s engine sounds only vary between different types of vehicles. (i.e cars and trucks)

And sadly Dirt 2’s engines sound the same regardless of what you’re driving.

Motorstorm 8

Gran Turismo 9

Dirt 2 6


Gran Turismo:”You really can hear the difference in vehicles.”



Moving onto the available tracks and Gran Turismo roars into the lead – yes you race each course backwards and forwards but even so there are still a huge amount of tracks to race on.

Motorstorm also has quite a selection and also gets a bonus for mutliple routes through each track.

Dirt 2 lags behind again – boasting in the region of around 8 tracks.

Motorstorm 8

Gran Turismo 9

Dirt 2 6




You can’t argue with 800 cars. Gran Turismo is the undisputed king in this round, regardless of the fact some are just different models of the same car.

One of the main points of Motorstorm is to race different types of vehicles against each other so it wouldn’t be much of a game without a decent selection of vehicles. New snow based vehicles have been added to the usual Motorstorm suspects.

Dirt 2 doesn’t deliver massively on the vehicle front but there is probably just about enough to keep you going.

Motorstorm 8

Gran Turismo 9

Dirt 2 7

Gran Turismo: trumps Motorstorm right at the end.


Motorstorm 58 / 70

Gran Turismo 59 / 70

Dirt 2 47 / 70

It’s a very close race between the front two but Dirt 2 is way back in last place.

Gran Turismo trumps Motorstorm right at the end based on Vehicle and Track selection.

My advice would be simply – if you can’t afford both then go with Motorstorm for mindless fun or Gran Turismo for a slightly harder but more rewarding driving experience.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween Party Cheats

Candy Hunt:

Step 1:  You can find the Chocolate Bar at the Ski Lodge  Attic

Step 2:

You can find the Candy Corn at the Dock

Step 3:You can find the Sucker at the Pet Shop

Step 4: You can find the Wrapped Candy at the Cove

Step 5: You can find the Pumpkin at the Pool

Step 6:

You can find the Caramel at the Soccer Pitch

Step 7: You can find the “Tootsie Roll” at the Mine

Free Items (Non-members):

Free Items (Members):

Hidden Rooms (Members):

Step 1:

Step 2:

Catalogs (Members) :

Step 1:

DroidLife - Conway's Game of Life for Android

Gosper's Glider Gun

I just posted a new Android app to the market: DroidLife, an implementation of Conway’s Game of Life. CGoL is a simulation (zero-player game) of cellular life (don’t confuse it with Milton Bradley’s Game of Life, a board game). The app bundles many interesting seeds, and allows users to download thousands of others and run them as well. Seeds are just initial simulation states, and more specifically are simply a set of one or more points on a grid representing live cells. There are around 4 “standard” seed file formats. DroidLife understands the most common / simple of those, Life 1.06. The most complete repository of seed files can be found on LifeWiki.

I was initially motivated to write this app as it was the topic of an interview question, for which I was only able to give a mediocre answer. One thing is for sure, if anyone ever asks me about CGoL again in my life, I have enough information to bore them for hours. I also saw it as a chance to get my feet wet with some trivial graphics on Android. Credit to “MrSnowFlake” for putting together this game template (bump) thread, based on Android’s Lunar Lander sample, which helped me get started. Without it my ramp up time would have been much greater.

Depending on my time, here are a few things I’d like to add to the app,

  1. Read other file formats: RLE, PlainText, Life 1.05
  2. Save game state to file
  3. Seed editor: define you own seeds

A b1s12 world seeded with a single cell

Project Touhou Battle - Prologue

You know what I miss? Old school turn based battles in RPGs. Not to say that there aren’t any games like that now, it’s just I haven’t been playing any games like that. Sometimes I like the pace of action games, rpg or otherwise, but lately I’ve been craving more at-your-own-pace style games.

And so we come to this. A turn based battling game feature touhou characters, in walfas style. Back in the days of Q-basic, the very first game I ever created and considered finished was a turn based battling game. Now I’m going back to my roots with all the knowledge I’ve acquired and am making another one.

Having experience in both making and playing such games, I’m fully aware of some weaknesses in this type of game. For example, there are a lot of times in RPGs where you simply want to skip random encounters unless you’re grinding for xp, and even that’s just a matter of doing basic fight commands. Also, make the battling too complex and regular battles end up too tedious and it too becomes boring for a different reason. Even in many MMORPGs, many people don’t like the grind. So what appeal does a game where battles is the main meat have?

First, we must look at the infamous grind. Grinding usually consists of trivial battles that still reward your character with advancement. Being able to wipe out enemies for xp with simply commanding everyone to do the Fight command isn’t particularly entertaining, but people do it anyway. Why? To tackle on the next challenge and progress the story. The key to getting rid of the grind is to provide players with a challenge that is “just right”. Anything too easy would be trivial, and anything too hard would provide a reason to grind. Though some people simply like to grind, so it may be better to just have all three difficulties there.

It’s not all just about difficulty. After all, if all you can do is fight or defend, it doesn’t matter what the challenge is, you’re still doing the same two things over and over again. So now we look at the next aspect of battle. Character skills are essential in these kinds of games. To keep things interesting, each character should have at least one or two skills that they can call their own. Perhaps it need not even be a skill, but rather a trait. Having a narcoleptic mage randomly fall asleep during battle may be frustrating to some, but certainly sets up for some unique battles.

In Magic: the Gathering, there is a saying that no two battles are ever the same. Magic is an excellent example of a turn based battle game, and it manages to be continously entertaining even without character advancement. The uniqueness of battles in Magic come from the fact that both you and your opponent draw a random set of spells each time. While this randomness successfully creates unique battles, it does also create some very frustrating ones. I personally don’t like betting my success on luck, but I still find Magic enjoyable. The question is, can you have a set series of skills and still have a unique battle each time?

I always keep these thoughts in mind as I design this game. I won’t say I’m being innovative, but rather, I’m exploring the boundries of such a game. What do you like about turn based battles? What do you hate about them?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Tap Tap Revenge 3

Now in its tenth release and carrying some nice new features, one of the oldest games for the iPhone has received its latest major update. If you haven’t played it before, Tap Tap is a rhythm action game that is similar to playing something like Rock Band or even Dance Dance Revolution. It has a single player mode, two player mode and a very good multiplayer system online. It also features downloadable content to expand the game play. Unsigned bands are available to download for free, plus there are also downloadable content for signed original artists that are priced fairly reasonably. A pack of six songs is £1.79 or two tracks 59p. But be warned, you WILL get cramp after tapping Free Bird for 9 minutes!! You can also purchase items for your avatar using in game “money” that you earn from each performance and also there are lots of achievements to obtain as you improve. This highly addictive game is definitely improved over TTR2 and, some good sensibly priced downloadable content help make this the kind of stuff I love.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Wie man PC-Spieler verschreckt

Ich hatte mir nicht sonderlich viel fest vorgenommen in diesem Jahr, doch was ich definitiv wollte war das neue Call of Duty zu kaufen, wenn es in die Läden kommt. Vor allem der Multiplayer-Part war für mich interessant, hat er doch schon bei Modern Warfare 1 funktioniert und Spaß gemacht. In den letzten Tagen und Monaten kamen aber Entscheidungen ans Licht, die mich meine Entscheidung massiv überdenken lassen.

Die erste dieser Entscheidungen war das Spiel 10€ teurer zu machen, sprich es käme für etwa 60€ in die Läden. Das ist schonmal ein herber Schlag, schließlich sind selbst 10€ viel Geld, aber in Anbetracht der langen Spielbarkeit des Multiplayerparts hätte ich damit durchaus noch leben können, trotz der etwas anmaßenden Aussage eines Bobby Koticks der die Spielepreise auch gerne noch höher sähe.

Der zweite Schlag ins Gesicht, bzw. für PC-Spieler einer mit dem Vorschlaghammer in die Leisten, war die Ansage dass Modern Warfare 2 keine dedizierten Server mehr zuließe. Dies würde bedeuten dass es bspw. keine Clan-Server im klassischen Sinne mehr gäbe. Stattdessen wird ein Matchmaking-System genutzt, was bisher auch auf Konsolen Anwendung findet. Man wird also einem Server zugeteilt, der dem persönlichen Niveau entspräche. Die Server sind damit zentral beim Hersteller gelagert, denn nichts anderes ist dadurch möglich. Zudem wird Steam verpflichtend. Wie gut Matchmaking und Steam zusammen funktioniert, habe ich mir von jemandem sagen lassen, der sich Operation Flashpoint gekauft hat: Garnicht, denn zu schlecht ist der Ping als dass ein ordentliches Zusammenspiel möglich wäre. Das erlaubt weniger Freiheit, zumal auch keine Mods mehr erstellt und integriert werden können, die gegebenenfalls den Spielspaß erhöhen könnten oder professionelleres Spielen erlaubten. Die Freiheit der Nutzer des Spiels, wird also massiv eingeschränkt.

Dies führte zu einer recht großen Protestwelle. Eine Petition mit über 50.000 Unterschreibern kam zusammen, die entsprechenden Foren wurden zugespamt. Die Konsolenfraktion ließ es sich unterdessen nicht nehmen auf polemischste Weise ihr Unverständnis über diese “übertriebenen Aktionen” zum Ausdruck zu bringen. Ich erspare mir an dieser Stelle jeglichen Kommentar dazu.

Und den dritten Streich entnehme ich der aktuellen GameStar. Die Spielemedien bekommen scheinbar kein Testmuster. Die entsprechenden Presservertreter müssen auf die Veranstaltung in London warten um sich ein Bild machen zu können. Ein persönliches Muster bekommen diese dann erst kurz bevor das Spiel in den Läden steht. Ergo kann man sich nichteinmal weitläufig vorher informieren. Man begründet dies mit der Angst vor Raubkopien. Es wäre aber auch eine schöne Methode erstmal die Leute das Spiel kaufen zu lassen bevor diese überhaupt die Möglichkeit haben, sich wirklich zu informieren. All das sind Gründe die mich von meinem geschmiedeten Plan abgebracht haben.

Liebe Leute von Activision und Infinitiy Ward, vermutlich beschuldigen Sie die Raubkopierer, aber Ihnen ist nicht geholfen, indem Sie die Möglichkeiten der PC-Nutzer auf das übelste reduzieren. Sie verprellen damit mögliche Kunden. Aber vermutlich ist Ihnen das herzlich egal, schließlich verdienen sie an den Konsolenspielern mehr, wie Call of Duty 4 gezeigt hat. Schade ist es trotz alledem. Ich werde mir dann wohl “Dragon Age: Origins” kaufen. Ich habe viele gute Kritiken dazu gelesen…

Nasce, l'aggregatore di news videoludiche

“Aggregare e semplificare”: questa la missione di, primo “social portal italiano” interamente dedicato al mondo dei videogiochi. Diciamoci la verità: in Italia, stante le condizioni ed i numeri generati dal mercato, di portali generalisti ce ne sono fin troppi (le riviste cartacee invece hanno iniziato da tempo un processo di irreversibile declino, con Gamepro ultima vittima di una crisi editoriale (e non solo) senza fine). Stavolta forse c’è davvero qualcosa di diverso all’orizzonte.

Continua a leggere “Nasce, l’aggregatore di news videoludiche”

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Name that tune...

All have had great commercial success over the years. I picked songs that didn’t make it too obvious but nothing b-side (term for a song that was released on the back side of a 45rpm record single).

Three songs, guess the artist/ band.


  1. Baby I Love Your Way.
  2. Do You Feel Like I Do.
  3. Show Me The Way.


  1. Zoo Station.
  2. One.
  3. Vertigo.


  1. All Through The Night
  2. Time After Time.
  3. True Colors.


  1. Higher Ground.
  2. Sir Duke.
  3. My Cherie Amour


  1. The Payback
  2. Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag.
  3. Make It Funky.


  1. Into The Mystic.
  2. Domino.
  3. Tupelo Honey.


  1. The Sign.
  2. Don’t Turn Around.
  3. Beautiful Life.


  1. Kiss.
  2. Take Me With You.
  3. Pussy Control.


  1. Adalida.
  2. Marina Del Ray.
  3. Where The Sidewalk Ends.


  1. Fix You.
  2. Violet Hill.
  3. Speed Of Sound.


  1. Imagine.
  2. Instant Karma.
  3. Number Nine Dream.


  1. ‘39
  2. Seaside Rendezvous.
  3. You’re My Best Friend.


  1. Exodus
  2. Waiting In Vain.
  3. Is This Love.


  1. One Particular Harbor.
  2. Barefoot Children.
  3. Fruitcakes.


  1. Silver Wings.
  2. I’ll Just Stay Here And Drink.
  3. Mama Tried.


  1. Feels Like Today.
  2. Skin (Sara Beth).
  3. Where You Are.


  1. Driver 8
  2. Stand.
  3. Radio Free Europe.

R. (bonus, lil’ tougher)

  1. Do You Recall.
  2. Stone In Love.
  3. After The Fall.

Do you remember the tv game show “Name That Tune”? It aired in the ’70’s and early 80’s. I vaguely remember it. The was also a radio version that began in the 1950’s and ran for many many years. My first iPod (which died two years after I got it) had a game on it that played a random song and gave me three choices to choose from. Not sure if my new iPod does too.

Hostile Makeover: If looks could kill...

Hostile Makeover (146 MB download)
Investigate a fashion murder mystery, based on the Crime of Fashion Mystery novel by Ellen Byerrum. Help sassy Lacey Smithsonian find out who killed supermodel Amanda Manville! Interview 9 suspects, visit 13 locations in Washington D.C., and solve 47 hidden object challenges. Unlock special sleuthing abilities, "Savvy Fashion Sense" and "Female Intuition", to aid you in your search for the fashion criminal.

FIFA 10 pc version ROCKS!!!!!

heyy guys…..

i am mad about FIFA and thanks to easports for making this wonderful game…

year after year they are developing it a lot and taking it closer to real….

so wats now about FIFA 10 pc version???

the thing is

fifa 09 pc version was not upto the mark and it disappointed the gamers….specially the fifa lovers with the features it provided……


with FIFA 10 they have really changed the whole experience of pc gaming….

its nice…it rocks….

FIFA 10 pc version is far far better than the FIFA 09 pc version in every field…..

there are a lot gamers who havnt got fifa 10 in their hands yet!…..

so for them…… i am posting the picture and video links……check them out…… they are awesome……. PICTURES LINK:::::::



VIDEO LINK:::::::::::



i’ll be posting more about FIFA 10 later on… you check out


Thursday, October 22, 2009

[Hilo Oficial] Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-D!!!

Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-D

- Todas las caracteristicas del Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-B2 estan disponibles.

- El nuevo Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-D trae todo y tiene las mismas caracteristicas que el GEN-C, solo

que el GEN-D corrige todos los problemas que tenia el GEN-C!!!

- El Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-D ejecuta juegos que requieren el firmware 5.55/6.00 sin ninguna

intervencion del usuario.

Antes, para ejecutar los juegos que requieren el firmware 5.55/6.00, habia que hacer un dumpeo del UMD,

parchearlo con el “Game Decrypter” y reconstruir la ISO con el “UMDGen”. Por lo tanto se requeria un

gran numero de manipulaciones largas y aburridas…

Con el nuevo Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-D no tendras que hacer nada de eso. Solo tendras que poner tu UMD

del juego en tu PSP y podras jugarlo directamente. La ISO tambien funciona sin necesidad de modificarla

y demos como “Metal Gear Solid” tambien podras jugarlas.

- La posibilidad de conectarse a la “PlayStation Store”, jugar onlyne con los juegos…


luego edito y añado todo sobre este Custom Firmware…

Brain Challenge, Forethought to Buying

I was a big fan of the DS brain training games, they were good fun and it was cool to see how I was progressing, but I don’t have my DS anymore. If you don’t know what the game is, you complete tests and challenges to assess and develop different parts of the brain and given results afterwards. It’s a good way to keep an active mind.

So now I have an iPhone and mobile broadband, why not try to find an alternative to the DS version?

Enter ‘Brain Challenge‘. First thing: this isn’t a review or a slam, these are my ponderings and thoughts on if I should buy the game. I’ve already tried the demo version, and that was surprisingly fun.

Reviews though… I always read reviews. If you search for a review in Google, you’re most likely to find a well read blog or gaming site at the top of the results – they don’t really mention the problems presented by “normal” people though, at least not from what I can see.

The first and foremost problem that I see is that the game crashes a lot and loses data. A huge amount of people have reviewed via the App Store, and there is at least one or two comments per page about the game crashing to the springboard – these complaints seemed to be unanswered too, at least from what I can tell. I’m not sure why it would be crashing for some people and not others… Perhaps some people haven’t updated their Firmware? I’m willing to say ‘Fine, all games crash for at least someone‘, but the fact that the people who it has crashed for aren’t being helped puts me off.

Secondly, I saw two reviews on the app store yesterday that have since been removed (unless I am just going really blind). Both were referring to the scoring system; one was a guy saying that the results you get are pre-programmed and the other being a couple who said the same thing. The first guy didn’t really present any kind of evidence, so I ignored that review. The couple who reviewed said that for a few weeks of both using it, their results had been exactly the same every day. This isn’t evidence set in stone, as I might be a coincidence, or they might have been helping each other, but it still sounds a little weird.

Does anyone else have these problems? Is it worth risking the (admittedly small amount of) money if it’s just going to crash? I’ll probably wait a little while, and if I don’t find any advice within a few days, I’ll give it a go. Taking one for the team! I probably won’t have time tonight, because I want to write about car rental/travel advice on my other blog… But maybe next week, so that hopefully someone will pick this up.

Cool Video

We got a great video for you guys. During last Friday’s walk-thru, I snuck up to the top of Notre Dame Stadium.

On one side, you get Touchdown Jesus, the Cathedral, and the Golden Dome.

On the other, a near-empty, historic Notre Dame Stadium.

Like I have said many times, Notre Dame–full of tradition and history–is a great place to watch football. And it didn’t leave us disappointed. For those of us who made the trip, we know how amazing the whole experience really was!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cake Mania Main Street: Help Jill revitalize her hometown by managing 4 unique shops!

Cake Mania Main Street (83 MB download)
Help Jill and her closest friends earn enough money to revitalize Main Street by managing and upgrading four unique downtown shops and building must-see tourist attractions, like the World’s Largest Cake, in this highly-anticipated sequel. With all-new shop mechanics, 50 shop equipment upgrades, 40 unique mouth-watering recipes, and hilarious new customers, Cake Mania Main Street offers players four truly addictive time management games in one!

iDracula, a review

Here’s my view on iDracula for you iPhone mobile broadband users out there.

Alright, so it doesn’t have the most imaginative name in the world, but what’s the game about?

The game is (sort of) an overhead shooter, and nothing short of it. You’ll be pitted against a hell of a lot (pun not intended) of monsters and it’s up to you how many you take back to hell with you!

The graphics are actually pretty good for the iPhone and the animation is quite fluid. One thing that might get on your nerves is the music, just one song played over and over, apart from that the sound is pretty good: enemies and weapons sound believable.

The controls are touch screen; the movement keys are on the bottom left of the screen while the aiming keys on the bottom right – the main problem with this control interface is that if your character or any of the monsters walk under it, you can’t see them due to your thumbs being over that part of the screen. Something like not being able to see what’s attacking you almost certainly ends in death if you’re quite far into survival mode. Another thing that annoyed me is not being able to aim without shooting.

The game contains a small handful of maps and game modes, but plenty of weapons and things to shoot with them. There is also a perk system which lets you choose from 4 random “upgrades” at intervals throughout the game. You can find a list of maps, modes, weapons and perks below.


There are only three maps, all of them quite small and the monsters which spawn differ between each area:

  1. Grave Park – This is exactly what it sounds like, a grave/park type area (this map is shown in the screenshot above).
  2. Frozen Earth – Snowy type area, even has the fallen autumn leaves!
  3. Castle Hall – This is the hall of a mean looking castle… What can I say other than… Very red.
Game Modes
  1. Survival – You’ll start off with a handgun and very little opposition. This is a good time to get used to the controls and map. As the mode carries on you’ll get more perks, drops and weapons from dead monsters. The monsters themselves will get stronger and faster, not to mention they’ll multiply like rabbits. This is a you or them type situation, the bus isn’t coming to get you and the car rental is stuck in traffic, you’re in this mode until you bite the dust.
  2. Super Survival - Same as survival but with additional drops, like super speed and bombs.
  3. Wave Attack – Somewhat like survival, except enemies drop money. You’ll then have some time to buy weapons, ammo and health before starting the next wave of enemies.
  4. Rush - Choose your weapon, you’re about to be dropped straight into a ton of enemies. This is like survival mode except… Skipping the build up.
  1. Handgun
  2. Rifle
  3. Crossbow
  4. Grenade
  5. Launcher
  6. Machine Gun
  7. Blade Ripper
  8. Flamethrower
  9. BFG - Big Fucking Gun? I prefer Big Friendly Giant.
  1. Extra Health – This gives you 30% more HP
  2. Crossbow Master – Adds an incredible amount of power to the crossbow, and also makes it shoot in 3 directions.
  3. Power Striker – Your guns push back enemies further.
  4. Bloodlust – The more HP you lose, the more damage you do.
  5. Immortality – Makes you immortal for 20 seconds… but then kills you.
  6. Telekinesis – Drags power ups dropped by enemies towards you.
  7. New Weapon – Gives you a weapon which is more powerful than the ones you’re already holding, if there is one.
  8. Ninja – Gives you a higher chance to dodge attacks (40% or 50%, I’ll have to confirm which one). I can’t say I’ve noticed my character ever dodging any attacks, even with this perk active.
  9. Panic – The more HP you lose, the faster you reload.
  10. Sniper – Increases the range of your weapons.
  11. Bonus finder – Enemies drop more power ups and items.
  12. Field Runner – Movement speed is increased.
  13. Blood Sacrifice – All enemies in your line of sight will die at the cost of half of your remaining HP.
  14. Reloader – Increases the reloading speed of all weapons
  15. Score Master – Doubles any score points you receive after using it. This is useful for getting additional perks, as they’re given on random intervals of your score.
  16. Bandage – Full heal.

iPhone Game: iKraomatix, il gemello di Puzzle Bubble

Ikraomatix in stile puzzle bubble ci sorprende per la sua affinità con il touch Dell iPhone.
Scaricabile gratuitamente su app store. In Ikromatix dobbiamo combinare tre o più quadrilateri dello stesso colore. Se il poligono di turno non ci dovesse servire basterà semplicemente mandarlo su uno spigolo dei mattoncini che abbiamo in campo per disintegrarlo.

Ecco il nostro video dimostrativo:


Matteo Partenope ( Teotindo )

Sunday, October 18, 2009

WDEL’s You’ve been Sentenced! Radio Game Starts October 19

Win Daily Prizes or the Grand Prize, an All-Inclusive Trip for Two to Punta Cana, Mexico

Sponsored by WDEL Delaware’s news radio and Arizona State University, the You’ve been Sentenced! Radio Game begins Monday October 19 and runs through November 27. Based on the multi-awarding winning language game, the You’ve been Sentenced! Radio Game allows listeners to play online for a chance to win great prizes daily, plus, a chance at the Grand Prize, an all-inclusive four-night trip for two to the Occidental Grand Punta Cana Resort including airfare, courtesy of Apple Vacations.

Simply go to the WDEL website at to create a sentence and justification – it’s easy and fun! The 5 funniest submissions for each day will be read aloud on air and one will be chosen as the daily winner of a free copy of the board game version. Winners can pick up their prize at any one of the participating retailers which include YoYo Joe’s in North Wilmington, Days of Knights in Newark, and Kids Ketch in Lewes.

Plus, if you’re a student and your sentence is read on air, you will win a pilot pass for the interactive white board version of the game for your school. The interactive white board voucher can be used for any white board and the application will be available later this fall.

All winners will be entered into the Grand Prize Drawing for a chance at a trip for two to the Punta Cana Resort in Mexico, sponsored by Apple Vacations. This luxury vacation includes airfare, accommodations and an all-inclusive package at the fabulous Occidental Grand Punta Cana Resort. (Trip must be redeemed before March 31, 2010. U.S. & foreign departure taxes, airport user fees, travel insurance and fuel surcharges not included.)

The You’ve been Sentenced! Radio Game is presented by Arizona State University and WDEL, created by McNeill Designs for Brighter Minds and sponsored by Apple Vacations, YoYo Joe’s, Days of Knights, and Kids Ketch.

About You’ve been Sentenced!

You’ve been Sentenced! is an innovative language game which utilizes pentagon-shaped cards containing conjugations of funny words, famous names, and familiar places. With a hand of 10 cards, players build sentences, challenging their ingenuity while trying to score the most points per round, constructing a grammatically correct and justifiable sentence. You’ve been Sentenced! has received overwhelmingly positive industry reviews and is the winner of numerous national awards including:

* Creative Child Magazine, Seal of Excellence 2007

* Dr. Toy Best Products, Spring 2007

* Oppenheim Toy Portfolio, 2007 Gold Seal Award

* Spewgie Award, Best Family Fun Game 2007

* iParenting Media Hot Product Award

* FAO Schwarz Toy Auditions, Winner

* National Parenting Seal of Approval

* Scholastic Teachers Pick 2009

* Mr. Dad Seal of Approval

* George Lucas Educational Foundation’s Edutopia magazine, Hot Media for Educators

* MENSA Society’s Parenting for High Potential magazine, Resource Roundup Pick

For more information about the contest, visit

Girls are from Venus and I am from hell

Last night was party night, unfortunately Gaybriel couldnt join Leon and I, but we met my friend “Alpha” there by coincidence, so we had an equally good time.
Loads of drinking and dancing, but also talking and having fun.
There was was an abundance of girls there, but not as many hot ones as last weekend, none which were really acceptable…apart from 2 which checked us out a bit, I tried to get Leon to make a move but he was just like ” …noo…“
They were HOT!
Too bad I have engaged in my ‘Anti-women‘ faze, so all around me rendered pretty uninteresting most of the time.
Yeah, I have grown tired by stupid, slow, ignorant girls so for now and on; I am just going to say fuck em all…
-There is a difference between being happy single, fucking around having one nighters here and there, but then there is also being single and having a mere disgust for the female vagina.
Or rather the female as a whole… I have realized that all they do is irritate me and make me wonder if there is anything more stupid than a stupid girl.
Stupid guys for that matter are also an extreme pet peeve of mine…But I digress.

One girl did try to dance with me though…I didnt care very much for her though.
I only wonder if she had any idea she was dancing with the guy writing about killing little children…. TI HI!

What i suppose I am trying to say with this is that I am tired of trying, there is no girl that interests me anymore, because by everyday and every girl I meet they further prove their stupidity and incompetence, contributing to my very negative view on females as a race and a collective mind, because they are all basically the same.
I am very glad I wrote down my infamous  LIST ( click), sure I am extremely picky, but if I am to ever be happy, she must qualify all of these standards.
Right now all I need is myself, my training and my writing to keep me happy.
It is too much of a pain to worry about girls; pain, time and money.

One thing however, really turns me on.
I found this trailer for the upcoming game Aliens vs Predator, it is a stand alone game revamping the original from 1999.
Boy, this made me come…I so love aliens…and predators.

Just gotta get a better computer by then…or a Ps3.

Not going training today, my thoat is so soar and clogged up I have a hard time breathing under pressure.
I have also noticed my body is slightly weaker, more stiff and my stamina is depleted
Did some push-ups in my room, but could only do like 20-25, then I got tired… Whats the matter with me???

Despite solid goaltending Guelph loses 4-2 to Kitchener

 Game Stories

What was Good about Guelph’s game last night:

Hurricanes penalty killing unit only allowed one goal in 8 chances, including killing off 2 5 on 3’s.

What the Hurricanes could have done Better:

1. Come out hitting… cleanly. When a youngster attending his first Hurricanes game asked me about 5 minutes into the first period if they were allowed to hit in this league. That is not good. In previous games, the Hurricanes created chances by not giving their opponents an opportunity to make the play before being introduced to the boards.

2. Stay out of the penalty box! Guelph accumulated 24 penalty minutes on 8 infractions. Compared that to Kitchener’s 4 minutes on 2 penalties. There are not many teams that you are going to beat if you are going to play shorthanded for approximately 1/3 of the game.

What was the Best part of the game for Guelph:

Hurricanes goalie Chris McDougall deflects a shot wide

Solid play by Hurricanes goaltender, Chris McDougall. McDougall stopped 27 of the 30 shots he faced and helped keep his team in the game. At least, 2 of the goals that did get by him were via deflections, where he didn’t have a chance.

Scoring: Guelph 1-0-1 = 2, Kitchener 1-1-2 = 4

Shots: Guelph 7-6-12= 24, Kitchener 11-13-7=31

SCORING SUMMARY Period 1 Guelph - Andrew Van Ooteghem (Martin Kudla, Peter Soligo) 5:07
Kitchener - Tanner DeWitt (Mark Scheifele, Derek Schoenmakers) 5:59 Period 2 Kitchener - Tanner DeWitt (powerplay) (Alex McCaffrey, MacLean Brayden) 6:39 Period 3 Guelph - Dan Mohle (Ken Rolph) 1:24
Kitchener - Shane Bainbridge (Shawn Bechtloff, Brandon Passley) 5:08
Kitchener - Mark Scheifele (emptynet) (Tanner DeWitt) 19:33



PENALTIES Period 1 Guelph - Peter Soligo – (Roughing) (RO), 2 min, 6:28
Guelph - Dan Mohle – (High Sticking) (HS), 2 min, 8:02
Guelph - Cayle Creen – (Cross Checking) (CC), 2 min, 12:31
Kitchener - Josh Mitton – (Goalie Interference) (INTGT), 2 min, 17:13 Period 2 Guelph - Wade Pfeffer – (Tripping) (TR), 2 min, 4:59
Kitchener - Robin Clarke – (Tripping) (TR), 2 min, 6:49
Guelph - Zach Dion – (Roughing) (RO), 2 min, 10:28
Guelph - Peter Soligo – (Head Contact/Checking) (CTH), 2 min, 14:20
Guelph - Mike Iacocca – (Roughing after Whistle) (RAW), 2 min, 15:43
Guelph - Peter Soligo – (Head Contact/Checking Misconduct) (M71), 10 min, 16:20 Period 3 (no penalties)


The Hurricanes next game is this afternoon, in Kitchener at the Kitchener Auditorium Annex. Game time is 2:30 pm.

Guelph’s next home game at The Sleeman Centre is next Saturday Oct. 24th against the Listowel Cyclones. Game time 7:30 pm.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

My iPhone Educational of ROC

我昨天购买了1个iPhone’s App。那个是能中国的一般的报道学习的App。 你对于我为什么需要那App想吗?在很失常的创作构成能了中国的多的web…那个很观看低能的因特网速度也慢。 因为让用国际的格式被做所以这App给予多的人平等的知情权的恩惠。 结果,我这多更简单地学习变中国可能了:)

久々にGame Appも買ってみました。これまで自分の使うmyspaceやfacebook、wordpressとかのソーシャルネットapp、iPhoneographyの為の写真appや中国語の辞書やピンイン教則appとかしか使ってなかった。
で、先日何かのゲームショウの記事を見たらiPhoneはなんとか世代の”ゲーム機”だとかDSのライバルはiPhoneだとか言っていて、「あぁ、ゲーム機である事もデフォルトなのか」と知り早速App Storeで漁ってみました。たしかにDSでやるゲームもチンクルとかゼルダとかエレクトロプランクトンとかなんでゲームもiPhoneでやってもいいかなと。

面白かったです(笑)この手のアプリみたいな子供の頃からデフォルメじゃない、小さく適度なリアル感がとっても好きです!若干、難しくて暇つぶし以上になりそうなゲームなアプリもあってヤバい。Space Outで喜んでた購入当初から凄い進歩だね。はは


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Metti un giorno una mano dal cielo

Immaginavi a spasso o, meglio, di corsa per le strade di una grande città. All’improvviso una mano dal cielo arriva su di voi, vi prende, vi solleva, inizia a giocare con il vostro corpicino. Certo, è possibile nel mondo di Gulliver. Oggi, è (quasi) realtà anche in questa installazione di Chris O’Shea realizzata per i Big Screen interattivi della BBC e testata nella città di Liverpool.

Una buona disamina tecnica del funzionamento viene riportata sulla britannica Creative Review.

Al di là delle indubbie qualità artistiche dell’opera, non sfuggono le implicazioni per la pubblicità, sempre alla ricerca di nuove soluzioni per rendere l’outdoor più innovativo, interattivo e coinvolgente.


Paket Kompilasi Beragam Produk Bisnis Online Berupa Kompilasi Ebook Langka dan Handal, Best Seller dan Terlengkap, Tools dan Software Canggih, Tutorial, Script dan Panduan Website untuk Jomla, WordPress, CMS, Blog, Game, Link-Link Rahasia dan Kumpulan Info-Info Spektakuler

DVD ini berisi ratusan koleksi ebook tentang website, komputer dan internet dan

bergam puluhan software, tools, script, template, koleksi web bisnis offline, Scrip, Tools Black, Rintone, Java, Template, Segala Wawasan Tentang Komputer & dunia Internet, Software Pengelolaan Website dan berbagai peralatan tempur untuk memulai membangun website serta berbisnis online di internet.

Terlengkap Dan Termurah,Paket Master Bisnis Internet ( PMBI )
Para praktisi bisnis internet kelas dunia telah berhasil dalam memperoleh penghasilan rutin diatas US$1.000 perbulan mereka.

Dan sekarang anda bisa memiliki jurus dan senjata yang mereka gunakan melalui “Paket Master Bisnis Internet (PMBI)”

Melalui PMBI Anda akan mengetahui cara yang benar untuk meraup penghasilan ratusan hingga ribuan dollar perbulan dari internet. baik itu dari affiliate, google adsense, ataupun menjual produk sendiri.
Paket Master Bisnis Internet ( PMBI )
Tahukah anda bahwa para jutawan bahkan milyarder atau para praktisi bisnis internet kelas dunia telah sukses menekuni bisnis di internet hanya meluangkan waktu kurang lebih satu jam setiap harinya untuk mendapatkan puluhan bahkan ratusan juta rupiah tiap bulannya?
Melalui PMBI Anda akan mengetahui cara yang benar untuk meraup penghasilan ratusan hingga ribuan dollar perbulan dari internet. baik itu dari affiliate, google adsense, ataupun menjual produk sendiri. Paket ini adalah kumpulan produk yang terdiri dari E-Book, Software & Layanan.
Saat ini, memiliki usaha online sendiri di internet memang masih perupakan profesi yang masih langka di Indonesia. Namun tahukah anda bahwa bisnis internet adalah merupakan peluang bisnis yang bisa memberikan anda penghasilan BESAR?. Dengan PMBI ini anda bisa menghemat waktu dan biaya anda dalam mencari tools dan ilmu bisnis internet kesana kemari. cukup fokus ke PMBI, kemudian praktekkan membuat website dan nikmati hasilnya.

Bisnis online memang punya banyak kelebihan. Target marketnya tak terbatas, transaksinya juga real time, serta Anda bisa menjalankan bisnis di mana pun Anda berada sepanjang Anda terhubung dengan internet. Anda dapat mempromosikan hampir semuanya melalui Internet dan ketika anda sudah mulai mendatangkan traffic (pengunjung) ke situs ataupun ke yang anda promosikan maka dalam kedipan mata saja traffic itu dapat dikonversikan menjadi uang, dengan ratusan bahkan jutaan pengunjung harinya anda bisa bayangkan keuntungan yang dapat anda peroleh? sebab itu apabila sekarang anda sedang mencari alternatif bisnis yang benar dapat menghasilkan keuntungan yang sangat amat besar maka seharusnya pilihan anda adalah menjalankan bisnis atau berjualan di Internet!

Mengapa Internet merupakan Media Bisnis yang baik untuk Anda?
Ada 4 alasan :
1. Otomatis Bekerja sendiri, NON STOP 24 jam sehari. Benar sekali, situs atau toko anda buka selama 24 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu, dan 365 setahun tanpa henti. Anda bisa menghasilkan uang dimanapun anda berlibur dan mengecek email anda asalkan ada koneksi internet. Yang anda butuhkan hanya line tolepon atau akses internet. Jadi, toko anda bisa buka 24 jam dan anda bisa menjaga toko anda darimana saja di belahan dunia ini.
2. Internet Tidak memiliki Batasan Pelanggan. Anda bisa berbisnis dengan siapa saja dan di belahan dunia manapun orang tersebut berada secepat kilat. Contoh : Jika anda memiliki toko offline entah itu toko buku atau tokoko klontong, pasti pelanggan atau konsumen anda hanyalah orang-orang di sekitar toko anda atau hanya orang-orang yang bisa mencapai toko anda, tapi dengan internet sebagai medianya maka konsumen yang bisa di capai adalah di seluruh penjuru Indonesia dan seluruh penjuru dunia.
3. Anda tidak membutuhkan modal jutaan rupiah untuk memulainya. Di Internet anda hanya butuh modal tidak sampai jutaan rupiah. Dengan uang puluhan ribu sampai ratusan ribu rupiah pun anda sudah bisa membangun bisnis anda di Internet.
4. Resiko Sangat Kecil Di bandingkan bisnis offline, resiko menjalankan bisnis online relatif sangat kecil karena modal yang di perlukan juga kecil dan dengan biaya yang relatif kecil pula. Untuk menjalankan bisnis di Internet Anda tidak perlu ahli dalam bidang internet, tidak perlu ahli dalam bidang marketing (apalagi internet marketing). Jika Anda bisa menjalankan komputer dan berinternet, jika Anda bisa mengetikkan “www…” jika Anda bisa membaca dan mengirimkan email dan jika Anda bisa mengklik tombol mouse Anda…. Selamat!,

Website Mesin Uang Otomatis, Script Terlengkap Dan Termurah Di Indonesia


CIPTAKAN BISNIS ANDA SENDIRI SEKARANG JUGA! Bagaimana Cara Mudah Merancang Website Reseller Interaktif,Iklan,MLM Dll. Tidak Peduli Bagaimanapun Kemampuan Teknis anda saat ini! Apapun backround anda, Bagaimanapun pengalaman teknis anda saat ini, Anda pun bisa Memiliki Web Otomatis pencetak uang dengan sekejap

Anda ingin menghasilkan uang lewat website yang anda miliki,atau anda ingin membangun sebuah website penjualn di internet,toko online,mlm,portal iklan, forum dll. Yang paling mudah dan paling murah. Tanpa perlu keahlian khusus.

Saudara pembaca yang terhormat…
Jika saat ini anda sedang kesulitan menciptakan website otomatis atau sedang mencari satu script smuo siap pakai untuk membangun mesin uang anda? Maka informasi ini kami berikan untuk anda, Luangkan waktu 15 menit saja untuk membaca dan kami akan tunjukan bagaimana cara menciptakan Mesin Uang Otomatis (SMUO) dalam sekejap.Mesin virtual yang akan bekerja 24 jam untuk mengaliri rekening anda dengan Rupiah . Disini kami telah sediakan sebuah Situs Jadi dengan desain yang cukup menarik yang telah dilengkapi berbagai sistem interaktif didalamnya. Web Otomatis ini Mampu mengotomatisasi setiap proses pemesanan, penjualan, pengiriman sampai dengan proses follow up dan proses support dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau.

PRODUK UTAMA: Produk yang kami tawarkan adalah Script Website yang digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan dalam pembuatan website bisnis seperti Toko online, Program affiliasi, e-book selling, portal iklan & news dan masih banyak lagi. anda akan mendapatkan lebih dari 50 Script sekaligus:


Content Management System atau lebih dikenal dengan CMS adalah sebuah aplikasi berbasis web yang memiliki sistem sedemikian rupa hingga memberikan kemudahan kepada para pengguna sekaligus juga pada pengelolanya. Sesuai dengan namanya CMS itu sendiri, website yang menerapkan sistem ini berorientasi terhadap konten. Sudah bukan merupakan kendala yang berarti bagi manajemen atau humas suatu perusahaan/ institusi/organisasi untuk memperbarui websitenya. Dengan hak akses dan otorisasi masing-masing, setiap bagian dari perusahhan dapat memberikan kontribusinya kedalam website tanpa prosedur yang sulit. Mambo Open Source dan Joomla Open Source adalah dua buah CMS yang paling powerful dan telah digunakan diseluruh dunia untuk keperluan website dari yang paling sederhana sampai aplikasi perusahaan yang paling kompleks sekalipun. Mambo & Joomla sangat mudah diinstal, gampang dikelola, dan memiliki kapabilitas yang tinggi.

TEMPLATE Adalah suatu file yang dalam bahasa php yang diperluka Mambo/Joomla untuk menampilkan “wajah”nya sedemikian rupa seperti gambar latar belakang, warna tabel, jenis huruf, besar-kecilnya huruf dan sebagainya sesuai dengan keinginan desainernya.
MODUL Adalah unit fungsi kecil untuk memperluas fungsionalitas program inti Mambo/Joomla. Kegunaan utamanya selain menampilkan fitur-fitur standar program inti juga berguna menampilkan fungsi komponen. Fungsi modul ditampilkan melalui sistem template.
KOMPONEN Seringkali website Mambo/ Joomla yang sudah kita bangun masih belum memenuhi kebutuhan yang direncanakan. Fungsi-fungsi standar (seperti sistem konten, web links, contact form) Mambo/Joomla dianggap masih terlalu simple. Untuk menambah fungsionalitas program inti Mambo/Joomla diperlukan aplikasi lain yang sesuai dengan keperluan dan kemudian disisipkan kedalam aplikasi inti Mambo/Joomla. Mambo. Adalah fungsi aplikasi mini yang disisipkan untuk memanipulasi ataupun menterjemahkan konten yang diproses oleh program inti / komponen sebelum ditampilkan.

Ebook-Ebook Produk Utama yang bermutu tinggi!!! ebook bahasa Indonesia yang akan selalu bertambah seiring dengan update.

1. E-book “Ponsel Menjadi WebCam/CCTV“ 2. E-book“Akses Internet Murah Rp288/jm 3. E-book “Trik Akses Unlimited Sepuasnya“ 4. E-book “Tip Memperoleh Software Gratis 5. E-book “Berkirim Pesan Gratis dg Bluetooth“ 6. E-book “Internet Gratis d Antena Kaleng“ 7. E-book “Merubah Google dg Nama Anda“ 8. E-book “Trik Browsing Offline Murah” 9. E-book “Trik Berkirim SMS via PC“ 10. E-book “INTERNET Hemat Rp 403,-/jam” 11. E-book “Gratis Telp Kenomor XL Via Wartel“ 12. E-book “Tip Telp&SMS Murah atau Gratis“ 13. E-book “Cara Ber SMS Gaul“ 14. E-book “Cara Mengirim Pesan Singkat HP“ 15. E-book “Rahsia&trik Akses Internet Gratis“ 16. E-book “Trik Keyboard Menjadi Mouse“ 17. E-book “Trik Mengirim Pesan Tanpa ID“ 18. E-book “Tips dan Trik Telepon Gratis“ 19. E-book “Tips dan Trik Telepon Gratis Inter“ 20. E-book “Tips isi Ulang PulsaXL Tanpa Pulsa“ 21. E-book “Trik Membuat Kartu Kredit Gnrtor“ 22. E-book “Tips Lenyapkan Iklan di Web Gratis 23. E-book “Trik Berhnti jd Nasbh Kartu Kredit” 24. E-book “Trik Melacak Alamat IP dan Real“ 25. E-book “Trik Mengatasi Pesan App close
79. E-book “Daftar Black List PTR PAid to Read 80. E-book “Hati-Hati Dengan KLIKBCA” 81. E-book “Mencurangi Hampir Semua Jenis BilliWarnet Zhider (NEW)” 82. E-book “Mengerjai sang Penyusup (NEW)” 83. E-book “Trik Jitu Ampuh Menghadapi Billing Explorer (NEW)” 84. Cara Mudah Menjadi Penulis Hebat 85. Cara Mudah Membuat E-book 86. 99 Bisnis Internet 87. Cara Mudah Membuat Website 88. 100 Judul E-book Yang Menjual 89. Strategi Ampuh Promosi Internet 90. Cara Praktis Meningkatkan Keuntungan dan Penjualan 91. 30 Template Cover E-book 92. Script Simple Afiliasi 93. 12 Super Bonus 94. Materi-Materi IT Certification 95. Software E-Book Compiler 96. Template E-book 97. Rahasia Meraih Kaya & Kewibawaan 98. Rahasia Membangkitkan Energi Bathin 99. Java Script Pro 100. Free To Sell Pro 101. 139 Cover Ebook 102. Fast Selling Software 103. Video 29 Web Design Vol 1 dan Vol 2 104. Video untuk membuat mini site 105. Video untuk membuat pdf 106. Software pembuat ebook pdf 107. Software pengubah file flash jadi exe 108. Meraup Jutaan dari Email Marketing 109. Motivasi 202 110. Paket Ebook jual Ulang..
mainerror Ponsel Symbian“ 26. E-book “Trik Mendapatkan eBook Google“ 27. E-book “Tips Lupa sandi email Yahoo anda“ 28. E-book “Install Ringtone MP3 di Motorola“ 29. E-book “Website Anda Seperti Hidup Anda“ 30. E-book “VIRUS Komputer“ 31. E-book “Tutorial Pembuatan Virus Versi“ 32. E-book “Trik Menggunakan Mesin Google“ 33. E-book “Trik Akses Yahoogroups“ 34. E-book “Tips dan Triks Dreamweaver 8“ 35. E-book “Tips Merawat Mesin Spd Motor“: 36. E-book “Tips Terbebas dari Lilitan Utang“ 37. E-book “Tips dan Trik Mancing“ 38. E-book “Teknik Virus Komputer“ 39. E-book “Tips Membuat Alamat Email“ 40. E-book “Tips dan Trik Pembuatan Passport“ 41. E-book “Panduan Upload“ 42. E-book “Panduan Memilih Webhosting“ 43. E-book “Panduan Membuat Blog“ 44. E-book “Mengunci Keypad Ponsel“ 45. E-book “Strategi Ampuh Promosi“ 46. E-book “Trik Dapat Laptop Gratis“ 47. E-book “E-book Tips Menghilangkan Stress” 48. E-book “Tehnik menghasilkan Uang Hanya Dengan Menonton Televisi” 49. E-book “10 Kunci Sukses Berpromosi Web” 50. E-book “Tips Membajak Kartu Kredit” 51. E-book “Tehnik membajak Isi Hp Orng Lain” 52. E-book “Apa itu eBook ?” 53. E-book “Tehnik &Panduan Membuat eBook” 54. E-book “Trik Menggabungkan CDMA&GSM” 55. E-book “Tips menghemat Belanja 70 %” 56. E-book “Trik Menggunakan Windows XP” 57. E-book “Tips & Trik Registry Windows” 58. E-book “Kumpulan Cerita Menarik” 59. E-book “Kumpulan Humor-humor Segar ” 60. E-book “Tips & Trik Sukses di Dunia Kerja” 61. E-book “Kisah Petualangan Ayah & anak 62. E-book “Kisah Misteri Rumah Tua” 63. E-book “Kumpulan Tips Dunia Otomotif” 64. E-book “3 Kunci Sukses Bisnis Internet” 65. E-book “Kumpulan alamat milis iklan” 66. E-book “Trik Menjadi No1 di Search Engine” 67. E-book”Trik Meraup Jutaan dg Email Mrkting 68. E-book “Trik Promosi dg URL
111. E-book Lebih Dari 2,000 Ebooks! 112. E-book Trik Mendapatkan Posisi Teratas 114. E-book YahooStyleLinksDirectory 115. E-book Protect Z Scripts 116. E-book Instant Meta Tag Creator 117. E-book 50,000 Hits Package 118. E-book Sequential Magic 119. E-book Pure Profit Software 120. E-book HTML Code Guard 121. E-book Laporan Trafic 122. E-book Special Penjualan 123. E-book Auto Forum Script 124. E-book Menjadi Milyuner 125. E-book Ebay Extreme 126. E-book Jalan Membayar Script 127. E-book Cara Pemasaran Yang Baik 128. E-book System Penambahan Quota 129. E-book Ultimate Wholesale Sources 130. E-book Ebook Covers 131. E-book Mesin Script 132. E-book Screen Shoot It 133. E-book Total Internet Profits 134. E-book Gary Shawkey’s Secrets 135. E-book Become A Super Affiliate 136. E-book Profit Pulling Reports 137. E-book Rahasia Pemasaran Sukses 138. E-book 7 Kekuatan Langkah 139. E-book PPC-Search Engine Script 140. E-book Ezine Blaster 141. E-book 50 Ezine Publishers Interviewed 142. E-book 8 Turnkey Businesses 143. E-book 100 Templates GRATIS 144. E-book Instant e-Book BonuS 145. E-book VI Spy 146. E-book AffiliateAdRotator-Script.ZIP 147. E-book Ad Tracker Version 2 148. E-book Ad Tracker Website 149. E-book Affiliate Page Maker 150. E-book Tools Yang Menakjubkan 151. E-book Autoresponder 152. E-book Back Up Pro 153. E-book Banner Buddy 154. E-book Black Label II 156. E-book Membuat HTML

Redirect” 69. E-book “Tips Belajar PHP dan MYSQL” 70. E-book “Tips Membuat Web dg Php&MSQL” 71. E-book “Trik Manipulasi Data dg PHP& MSQL 72. E-book “Tip dan Trik SMS Murah 10 rupiah” 73. E-book “Modifikasi 1 SIM Card/Kartu bisa 3 nomor bahkan lebih (NEW) 74. E-book “ATM Hacking (NEW)” 75. E-book “Game Balap Mobil Di Excel (NEW)” 76. E-book “Mengenal IP Command (NEW)” 77. E-book “Kamus Istilah (NEW)” 78. E-book “Tips Mengubah Tampilan FlashDisk

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Sofware Berkualitas dan Bermutu Tinggi

1. Software “Pencari Alamat Email” 2. Software “Pelacak Asal Alamat Email” 3. Software “Pemeriksa Valid/Tidaknya Email” 4. Software “Pengirim Email Massal” 5. Software “Pengirim Iklanbaris Massal” 6. Software “IP Ad Web Sender” 7. Software “Search Engine Rangking” 8. Software ” Easy Site Submit (search engine)” 9. Software “Banner Maker” 10.Software “File Splitter” 11.Software “Penghapus Password ebook/PDF” 12. Software “Pop Up Generator” 13. Software “Pencari Password File WINZIP” 14. Software “Pencari Password Ms.Office XP” 15. Software “Pencari Password File WINRAR” 16. Software “Pencari Password File Archive” 17. Software “Mempercepat Kinerja Modem” 18. Software”Koneksi Internet Cepat (ADSL)” 19. Software ” Akses Internet tidak terputus2″ 20. Software “Meriksa Keefektifan Website” 21. Software “Game “Want To Be Millionaire” 22. Software “Billing Internet” 23. Software “Validasi Kartu Kredit” 24. Software “Menyalin Website Sekali Klik” 25. Software ” Software Ramalan Horoskop ” 26. Software “Al-Qur’an Digital” 27. Software “ZoneAlarm 5.0.590.015″ 28. Software “FreeRAM XP Pro 1.3″ 29. Software “PC Inspector File Recovery 3.0″ 30. Software “PrayAlert Personal Edition 31. Software “RAMBooster 1.6″ 32. Software “Subseven: Firewall 1.0″ 33. Software “Ad-aware 6.0″ 34. Software “Ad Blocker 4Google2 2.3.3″ 35. Software “Mozilla Firefox 1.0″ 36. Software “FxFoto 2.0.043″ 37. Software “Download Manager”
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38. Software “Pembuat Cover Ebook” 39. Software “Pelacak Hits Website Anda” 40. Software ” E-books Compiler” 41. Software “Pengatur Program Afiliasi” 42. Software “Pengirim Iklan Otomatis” 43. Software “Pengetik Iklan Otomatis” 44. Software “Pengirim Email Otomatis” 45. Software”Mmprotek CD dr Pembajak 46. Software “TransTool (inggris-Indo)” 47. Software “PHP Triad” 48. Software “Pembuat Website Instant” 49. Software “Untuk Mengedit Prog.PHP” 50. Sofware “Uploud Data ke Server/ FTP 51. Software “Pemecah File”
91. Software “Mendownlaod Video Pada YouTube” 92. Software “Mempermudah Captiure Pada PC” 93. Software “Rencana Pengecatan Sebuah Rumah” 94. Software “Membuat Partikel Flash Pada Image” 95. Software “Mengkustomisasi File JPG” 96. Software “Pengirim&Penerima JPG Via Email” 97. Software “Image Editor” 98. Software ” Merancang sebuah Galeri DigitaL” 99. Aplikasi Hp Mengontrol Biaya Panggilan 100. Aplikasi HP Merubah Prifil Secara Otomatis 101. Aplikasi HP Untuk Memblog SMS Masuk 102. Software “Auto Responden Maker” 103. Software Untuk Menelpon Gratis 104. Software “Untuk Membuka Kunci Fitur Warnet”

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Dan Masih banyak lagi …

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cooking Academy 2: A whole world of food for you to prepare!

Cooking Academy 2 (85 MB download)
Welcome to the World Culinary Workshop in the sequel to the hit time management game! From Chinese BBQ Pork Buns, to Mexican Tamales, make your way through 60 different recipes from eight different countries! Learn interesting trivia about food while mastering all new gesture-based skills and play fun mini-games including food processors, mixers, raiding the fridge and much more! Unlock new recipes and trophies as you complete recipes and exams in each restaurant. Are you ready to cook foods from around the world? Then get ready for an international culinary adventure!

Tales of Grace



This is fucking awesome! I WILL get this games when it comes out. I cant belive BoA still sings too. From what I remember I was in 5th or 6th grade when she was still popular in Korea. I guess she is popular in Japan.


Princess Lover! and Other Stuff

Since Hinano plays Otome games I will play Eroge games. I will now start off on Princess Lover! I started watching this anime, and stopped. I could not seem to hook my self on the anime. I guess I will play and review the game. I will NOT be posting any H-material here if you want just google the images. I will post some nice screen shots of the game though. I am 18, so for those who are still young I am not encouraging you to play this game. So, if you get caught playing this H-game its not my fault. =]

So today I tried to re-string my guitar, and fail terribly, so I took it in to the Guitar Center, and I showed the repair dude, and he showed me wear on my guitar, and it needed to be fixed. I wasn’t to happy about it cause now I am gonna lose 180 dollars.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Tales From the Field, Pt. 1: Little Miss Overly Sensitive

So there’s this girl. Her and I met in my lit class here at WMU. I approached her while standing outside waiting for the classroom to open up. I soon discovered that she was a film student. Film has always been a passion of mine, so we were able to build rapport rather quickly. After our initial meeting, I didn’t see her in class for another two weeks. When I did finally see her two weeks later, I said “fuck it” and sat down next to her and wrapped my arm around the back of her chair. She was totally into it, touching her hair, giggling, and smiling at me throughout the course of the two hour long class. We talked a bit during break and it seemed that we were building a rather deep connection. Let’s just say my game was tight. At the end of class, I told her that I’d like her phone number so that we could talk film sometime. She asked if I had a Facebook page, which I do, and then suggested that we do that first (shit test?). She wrote down her name, but lo and behold, once I arrived home, I was unable to find her on Facebook. The next class (Wednesday, the last day we have this class during the schoolweek), I told her this and she had me write down my name so she could look me up. As we were leaving class, she said “I’ll see you on Monday!” I told her, “you know what? I want to see you sometime later THIS week. I don’t really feel like waiting until Monday.” She said “would you like to go out for coffee sometime?” and I said “perhaps we shall!”

This is where things took a turn for the worst. Later that day, she added me on Facebook. I left a comment on one of her pictures, telling her that it was fabulous (it actually was, trust me). The next morning, I sent her a message saying that we should hang out that day and asking her what time would be good for her to do so. Here is her response:

“Today’s no good for me, sorry.
I have back to back classes and then I’m heading into work.”

Okay, this seems like a legitimate excuse. However, being the alpha male rock star that I am, she should have skipped class or work to hang out with me. Fair enough, though.

Fast forward two days. I wake up and send her a message flat out telling her that we’re hanging out that day, and that I don’t want any excuses. Here is her response:

“Homework and job work are not an excuse. They consitute a reason. In addition to those reasons I’m working on not getting even more sick.”

I waited about three hours and then responded by saying:


That’s unfortunate.

So you like dancing like a loser, eh? (She had ‘dancing like a loser’ listed as one of her interests in her profile) Interesting. I plan to call your bluff in the near future, because let me tell you, I will dance like a goddamn MADMAN if given the chance.”

She then FREAKED OUT and responded:

That’s’ all there is to say. I don’t know what your problem is.”

She then deleted me from her friends list. I totally was not expecting this reaction. My intention was to make her laugh with a bit of cocky funny.  I’ve never experienced anything like this before.

I think that perhaps the main problem is that my sense of humor doesn’t translate well to text, at least with this girl. I get the impression that she is a very meek and sensitive person, and I should have kept that in mind.

Jay Sean's Final Concert Reminder!

Hey guys this is Jimbercane posting. I just wanted to remind you that today is the final day Jay Sean will perform. His concerts will start at 12 in the afternoon, and end at 12 o’clock midnight! Here is a video of Jay Sean’s perfromance yesterday:

His concerts will play once every hour, and if you see him perform you will get a free Jay Sean Concert Ticket added to you CazBook, so make sure you come!

planet cazmo cheats


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Project Runway to join list of Wii Games

Weinstein Co has joined forces with Atari to create “Project Runway” for Nintendo Wii. The game which is expected to drop sometime next spring, will follow the same format as the hit TV show

Some involvement with Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn is expected but details are not confirmed on that front.

This game sounds really interesting, if only it was ready in time for Xmas, I know what would be on my list.

Tourist Trap: Transform your sleepy city into the ultimate tourist destination!

Tourist Trap (15 MB download)
Transform your sleepy city into the ultimate tourist destination in this strategy game! As mayor, build roadside attractions to draw tourists, truckers, and other travelers as they pass by your stretch of the superhighway. Upgrade attractions and repair them when they break down. Collect revenue, manage growth, and keep your visitors happy, safe, and spending in Tourist Trap!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Maledetta sia la Forma

Joaquín Oriol López

I suoi duri sforzi portano i risultati sperati con il miglioramento dell’abilità in regia da buono a eccellente.

Tsi Totale 50080
Tsi Medio 1788
Aumento Tsi +1040
Diminuzione Tsi -670
Forma Media 5,57
Aumento Forma +5
Diminuzione Forma -13
Scatti 1

che sia maledetta la forma, 13 scatti negativi in un momento cruciale del campionato.

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Mass Effect

Hi there! It’s been so long since I last posted, I could barely find the “New Post” button

So, what’s been keeping me so busy? Well, apart from lots of work, an unexpectedly large tax refund, some illness here and there, and an awesome camp away in Franschhoek this past weekend with other young adults from our church…. Oh yeah, for my birthday a few weeks ago, Deems and family very kindly gave me a voucher to, which after much deliberation (and I mean “much“…) was converted into two new games for the old ‘puter (much to wifey’s understandable concern)

So I got me paws on “Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth II” and “Mass Effect” (wow, what a crappy site…). Now, I know, those aren’t exactly the latest releases, but I run my games on my work laptop, which, while no slouch, is not exactly gamer’s paradise. So I’ve gotta delay a little on the titles, k? Anyway, in short, LOTR is ok. It seems cool, and I can’t find anything huge to fault it on, really, but it just doesn’t grab me either. I suspect my love of the Middle Earth setting is what *almost* saves it…. I played a few missions of that, then figured I’d try out Mass Effect.

Wow. Right now, I’m terrified that the game is going to end. Which would be a bad thing. A quick description to bring you up to speed, if you haven’t seen it: it’s a Sci Fi Roleplaying game. You play the role of a military Commander (in the “Starfleet Alliance” or whatever it’s  suitably predictable name is, who cares….?), and basically race around the galaxy in your ship, in your armoured terrestrial lander, or on foot, solving mysteries and blowing up aliens. Nice.

Ok but seriously, the ambience is typical Sci Fi (grand scales, yet a little moody), and so far the game seems to have reasonable depth (I’m really not sure yet that it will have the same depth as RPGs like Neverwinter Nights, for example, and in fact Mass Effect might turn out to be more like an Adventure game….. time will tell) The combat is cool and interesting (minor squad control with issuing of orders, special abilities etc), and interestingly, though the combat control appears to be First-Person Shooter, it really requires more of a strategic approach. The characters are all interesting (both played characters and NPC’s), and the dialog options are smooth and sensible.

Anyway, the game has poor performance on my crappy laptop, but even with my reducing all graphics settings to Atari-like look & feel, it’s still great fun to play. I highly recommend it to anyone who is even vaguely interested in Sci Fi games OR in RPGs.

So, thanks Deems, it’s been a long time since I was excited about getting home to play a game

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Last week the gamekeeper’s wife arrived on the doorstep and gave me two grouse still warm from the shoot.

You folks out there perhaps cook grouse all the time but I never had, it’s one of those mystical sounding dishes, like lobster and truffles, that I’ve been too miserly to procure. My mistake. So much excitement. I was going to have to pluck and draw them – another thing I’d not done before. Three days’ hanging later and I was in the kitchen blowing feathers off my Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall and up to my knuckles in innards. It has never ceased to amaze me just how copious innards can be.

Crikey it was worth it. Pot roasted slow and easily in port, orange juice and grated rind, sultanas and chicken stock. A proper red. Joy and wonder. The gamekeeper’s wife is coming back with a boxful soon, and it’s inspired me to look out the air rifle. A rabbit and a couple of those pigeons that settle on our front lawn will look good in a game pie.


Back again,

Now with Morabaraba!

Morabaraba is a traditional African strategy board game for two players. Although it is very easy to learn, even young children quickly master the rules. Morabaraba has the depth to provide a real mental challenge, and will stimulate strategic thinking.

Once you get used to playing this, I am sure you will enjoy the game.

Cool then. Play

The gaming update

So, I should make a post to you guys about the status of the two games I’m currently spearheading.  Yes, I said two.  Most of you have probably guessed at this point that I’m going to make Wildfire Industries, thanks mostly due to the comments on my last post being so undeniably positive.  Thanks you guys for being honest, and I’m working on making this game work.

Black Clover, my first love and major Pen and Paper Roleplaying Project, is currently sitting in a ditch and going back and forth to get itself out.  The problem is that if this game was a car, then the outside would look awesome while the engine would be a complete complex unworking joke.  Simply put — the lore and world is fantastic.  Everyone I talk to regarding this project has nothing but happy smiles, raised eyebrows, and a wish to know more.  I’m really excited to be putting all of these thoughts and concepts down on to paper and make a gothic steampunk game.  If this game could be completely lore driven, it would be great, but sadly that’s not the case.  The game is a game first and a world second, which leads me to saying…

The system sucks.

Perhaps it’s me, the author, just being overly critical but I don’t think I am.  Every time I try to sit down and work the kinks out of combat or work with the system, I either feel I’m cutting off roleplay by being too strict or not putting enough meat on the bones of the combat system to make it unique and original.  I feel as if combat should be a good portion of this game, especially as each “class” is limited to one “mythic weapon.” (Oh snap, I just revealed something, oh well.)  That weapon should provide a really wonderful and multi-talented use, as it’s the only weapon the heroes will get.  Why did I make that decision?  Well, it simply seems to fit another system in the game, which some people could potentially guess at but I’m going to leave out of this conversation for now.

Skill checks seem to work well in the context, but those too seem to be too reliant on the branching pathways of the classes.  Plus, I don’t want to put things out of order and make something too strong or too weak.  I need to bite the bullet and get cracking on at least getting things together in some working order so I can test for these types of power issues, but every time I start working on it I feel uncomfortable.  Perhaps I just need a break.

To make up for the problems with Black Clover, I have an awesome wallpaper to give out to you guys here on mah blog.  The art is done by my good friend Melissa, who is spearheading most (if not all) of the game’s artwork.  All in her spare time.  Throw your kudos to here on here, please, and let her feel some love for all of the work she is doing — especially if you use the wallpaper below.

Widescreen Version (1600x900)

Fullscreen Version (1200x1024)

Now, as for Wildfire Industries… well… things went together damn easy.  The system is insanely modular, and in the span of 2 hours I figured out a way to play the game as a traditional RPG, a cutthroat game of roleplaying where one person is declared the winner in one session and, interestingly enough, an expandable version that can hold up to 5 teams all playing against one another in either a one shot mission or a running campaign.  Now, you need one hell of a team of GMs for the 5 teams version, but it’s possible — especially if you can play it together on the internet.

This is thanks mostly due to the fact that skill checks are easily variable and not dependent on item use, simply on stat use.  If you want to be better at X skill check, spend points on it.  Or, you could spend the company’s money, which is a discussion for another time.  Checks are easily modifiable to either accomidate one player or a team of players working together (as some checks force players to team up to make them, which depending on the game type they may or may not want to do, resulting in hilarity.)  The game also supports secretive undermining right in the checks system, and that’s not even adding in the “traits” system which are the character’s publicly known and secretly hidden abilities.

Either way, the rules are done.  The game is simple, and I think it’s better for it because it leaves oh-so-much-room for sheer insanity on the parts of the players, much like Paranoia does. (Although I think Paranoia is much more complicated when it’s put next to my system.)  Now all I have to do is complete writing up the abilities that each character type has.  Then, it’s going out for a test run with my gaming group.  If it succeeds there, it goes for a test run at the local gaming club at the University of Pittsburgh.  Hopefully all of this will allow me to refine the rules and abilities, and then I’ll ask for testers here on line.

Then, with luck, I’ll get some inspiration and move forward on Black Clover.  Mmmm… Black Clover… *drools*

Anyway, sorry for the HUGE post, but I hope you guys enjoyed it!


Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Forgotten Demographic - How Female Gamers Can Make Your Games a Success

Rarely do you walk into a video game store and see many game titles catered exclusively for the female game audience. There is virtually no big box support for such titles as they spend millions of dollars catering exclusively to male audiences. After all, conventional wisdom would suggest that since only games for males are being made, that only males are interested in playing video games. This couldn’t be further from the truth, a fact often overlooked by larger game publishing companies such as EA, Activision or Take-Two. The statistics alone disprove, Game, the notion, Game, that girls are not interested in spending time playing video games. The Sims is the best selling game of all, Game, time and a large amount of its success can be attributed to its loyal female fan base. 40% of all girls in Australia that participated in a survey admitted to spending time online playing video games as well. This is a global trend that as more game enabled devices are available, so does the potential audience for your products. From personal experience I can attest to the power of focusing on the female gamer audience and the amount, Game, of success it can bring to your game portals. Hopefully this article can shed some light on what you can do to acknowledge the female audience and entice them to, Game, use your product.Understand Your AudienceThis would be common sense regardless of any type, Game, of video game or interactive content you would develop but due to the lack of exclusively, Game, developed girl titles how would you go about starting? The answer isn’t necessary waiting on a shelf of a game retail store but rather online on a games website or games portal.Depending on the age range of the female audience you will find some games more popular than others. These games usually have simple and easy to learn game, Game, play factors that most professional game developers would consider basic or even in some cases downright primitive. Don’t be fooled by this or dismiss this fact. Its a mistake that many game developers make and hold against working on such games that would otherwise be something the female audience would be interested in.One of the most popular games website with young girls would be which is essentially a online paper doll website. Moving various clothing items on a 2d doll is a very, Game, simple thing to develop if you have any professional game experience. It is this very simple game mechanic combined with variety of various current celebrities and other incentives that encourage millions of, Game, users to return every day to that website.Dress up games are, Game, some, Game, of the most popular games with girls with thousands of web game portals devoted exclusively to this genre of game. Other game categories that are popular with female gamers include pet, Game, games, makeover games, cooking games and room, Game, makeover, Game, games. Some of the most popular games with girls may have combined elements of these game categories providing an even more compelling game experience. Almost all of the games popular with the female audience would be categorized under Casual Games.Doing your homework on what works out there currently on the Internet will help you understand an audience that might be decades younger than you personally and completely different than your own personal preferences for, Game, games. It is a challenge you must embark upon to fully capitalize on this market segment and achieve success, Game, .The Online FactorOne of the game categories not mentioned previously are quickly becoming, Game, the, Game, most popular. Online worlds provide an experience where they can socialize and meet new friends. Important game elements of online worlds would include; the ability to have avatar customization, personalize user rooms, Game, and the ability to chat and meet new friends. Some examples would be Club Penguin, Habbo Hotel, and IMVU.Major companies are taking notice of the immense popularity of online worlds with the female audiences and now, Game, feature many similar game elements. The key for anyone looking to compete in this field is to come up with a compelling game mechanic that entices, Game, this key demographic of female users.This type of game might be out of the reach of many small time developers but any game starts modestly so this might be a long term goal for you to reach. Never discount any game idea entirely especially as it can help you in developing some uniqueness. Sometimes combining existing game ideas in a online setting can help set it apart from what is available currently.Making It UniqueRegardless of the size or scope of your game websites, an important aspect to realize is that uniqueness will help stand you apart from the competition in a very crowded market. My games portal for example specializes in browser based online worlds which require no registration. The benefit of this is you can immediately introduce your user to your game product without having them register or download anything. Consider introducing a unique element such as this into your game or website and you will of taken the first step to capturing some the fastest growing gamer demographic out there.Utilize The Female Gamer DemographicAccepting and embracing the fact that your games website caters to female gamers is a very important and strategic, Game, move that should be planned for in any games portal website. The market share is so large that the chance you will find success and as an independent developer raises if you do so. This is not the first choice for most professional game developers but I am one hundred percent certain this is the right direction to take a small, Game, games website if you want to attract a larger audience. The games you make don’t always have to be exclusively made for a female audience but I think they deserve some consideration.Hopefully this has shed some interesting light on the often neglected market demographic of female gamers and brings about some success in your endeavors.







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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Governance game has just started

THE key problem with this week’s Productivity Commission report on executive pay is its reliance on increased shareholder power as the weapon, when shareholders already have plenty of power but don’t use it.

The concept of corporate democracy has real limits, and while the governance debate has made real progress, shareholder activism is an unreliable weapon to curb corporate excesses.

The PC report had some useful governance recommendations — such as banning the no vacancy rule on boards and forcing funds to declare their voting records — but inexplicably missed one of the biggest rorts. Boards can currently buy stock to reward executives while diluting other shareholders, without first requiring shareholder approval.

Hopefully, the final report will redress this balance.

After a year in which company boards have sat back watching investment banks earn $1.8 billion for selling deeply discounted stock, diluting small shareholders to the benefit of the big shareholders, it is surely time to draw a line in the sand.

This week’s battle for Macquarie Airports highlighted the problem with corporate democracy when the challenger Mike Fitzpatrick withdrew in part because he owned less then 1 per cent of the stock against Macquarie Bank’s 25 per cent and couldn’t attract another shareholder to publicly back his cause.

Old-timers in the game, such as GPG, manage to win some battles because they have real skin in the game, significant shareholders, serving as a rallying point for others, and upset at a company’s underperformance.

Most fund managers will simply sell their stock and move on if they don’t like what the board is doing so are unlikely to engage in a big fight.

The theory is if everyone sells then the share price will fall to the level that invites action internally or externally.

The government would be wrong to give shareholders more power for the sake of it and declare victory because, the truth is, there is a huge gap now between what shareholders can do and what they actually do.

Shareholders can call meetings and dump directors at will — and indeed they are starting to exercise their power led by the industry fund members of the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors.

Voting at annual meetings has increased from an average 35 per cent five years ago to 55 per cent and, increasingly, remuneration reports are being defeated while director elections are also challenged.

The power of incumbency is still very real and some fund managers are unwilling to publicly attack a company for fear of losing access and deal flow, as well as simply being left outside the club.

Increased information obviously helps encourage debate about governance issues, but the game has just started. Improving this position is more complex and takes more time than simply giving shareholders power.

In Australia, it is compulsory to vote in public elections but passive equity holders don’t have to vote and many don’t.

This also explains why banks are more powerful, because equity holders allow board incompetence, but debt holders rarely let the same mistake happen twice.

Delayed disclosure

THE federal government has caved in to fund manager demands in its short selling disclosure regime by allowing a four-day delay between the transaction and the aggregate reporting of the sale.

The new regime, due to start next year, follows concerns during the market collapse that the market was not properly informed because short selling was not disclosed.

Financial Services Minister Chris Bowen has effectively put in place what ASIC already requires now, which is reporting short selling transactions, but with a new element of delayed reporting of net short positions.

Still to come is the regime for stock lending disclosure by the RBA and the thresholds for individual short sales.

In Britain, by way of example, if an individual sells more than 0.25 per cent of a stock this must be disclosed. ASIC is yet to opine on this matter and the reporting obligation is on the transacting stockbroker with the net position being in aggregate form so no one knows if any one trader has a big short position.

The heat has gone out of the debate since the market crash earlier this year because stocks have recovered a touch with last quarter’s 20 per cent gain the best for 22 years.

Still, stock lending activity, a loose proxy for short selling, is increasing with an estimated $18bn now on loan compared with $60bn at the top of the market and $10bn at its bottom.

Stock lending is used as a proxy for short selling because you need to own stock before you can short sell, so traders tend to borrow stock first. The ASX noted recently during ASIC’s ban on short selling earlier this year that spreads widened considerably, confirming overseas experience that banning the practice makes markets inefficient. Traders sell stock short if they think it is overpriced — just as they buy stocks they think are cheap. But short selling got a dirty name because it was claimed it was used by heinous hedge funds who sold stocks short, spread false rumours then sold some more.

So far ASIC is yet to actually nab anyone for this practice and, ironically enough, some of the companies which complained the most are now out of business, such as Babcock & Brown and Allco Finance.

The new rules provide for immediate disclosure of actual short selling but the net position will be delayed for four days.

Reporting the initial transaction is potentially misleading because someone may short sell a stock at the opening and then close it out by day’s end, which means in net terms they are still long on the stock.

The net position will be reported in four days but, importantly, this means the market will be told there are “x” number of BHP Billiton shares sold short.

The short seller’s identity will not be revealed, unless they have a big short position, which makes you wonder why the need for the delay in disclosing the net position.

The reason, of course, is the big fund managers like anonymity, and demanded the delay lest someone got some idea what they were up to.

Some might point the finger at the heinous hedge funds, but the reality is most of the big houses run long short books and so it was the mainstream managers who demanded the secrecy.

They claimed if a big short position was revealed in BHP then everyone knew it was, say AMP, doing the shorting — which is a stretch — but was enough to convince the government.

It’s all a long way from the days where broker numbers were attached to each trade — the lines between brokers and exchanges are fast blurring.

Family line

MIKE Fitzpatrick and Macquarie Group took opposing sides in the MAp battle but they agree on the talent of Mike’s son, Will, who will start working with Macquarie next year.

Separately, a point of clarification from yesterday’s note on Macquarie’s purchase of Ford Motor Credit’s $1bn car leasing book. Ford is remaining in the wholesale dealer financing market, but with backing from the federal government’s OzCar program.