Sunday, October 11, 2009

Tales From the Field, Pt. 1: Little Miss Overly Sensitive

So there’s this girl. Her and I met in my lit class here at WMU. I approached her while standing outside waiting for the classroom to open up. I soon discovered that she was a film student. Film has always been a passion of mine, so we were able to build rapport rather quickly. After our initial meeting, I didn’t see her in class for another two weeks. When I did finally see her two weeks later, I said “fuck it” and sat down next to her and wrapped my arm around the back of her chair. She was totally into it, touching her hair, giggling, and smiling at me throughout the course of the two hour long class. We talked a bit during break and it seemed that we were building a rather deep connection. Let’s just say my game was tight. At the end of class, I told her that I’d like her phone number so that we could talk film sometime. She asked if I had a Facebook page, which I do, and then suggested that we do that first (shit test?). She wrote down her name, but lo and behold, once I arrived home, I was unable to find her on Facebook. The next class (Wednesday, the last day we have this class during the schoolweek), I told her this and she had me write down my name so she could look me up. As we were leaving class, she said “I’ll see you on Monday!” I told her, “you know what? I want to see you sometime later THIS week. I don’t really feel like waiting until Monday.” She said “would you like to go out for coffee sometime?” and I said “perhaps we shall!”

This is where things took a turn for the worst. Later that day, she added me on Facebook. I left a comment on one of her pictures, telling her that it was fabulous (it actually was, trust me). The next morning, I sent her a message saying that we should hang out that day and asking her what time would be good for her to do so. Here is her response:

“Today’s no good for me, sorry.

I have back to back classes and then I’m heading into work.”

Okay, this seems like a legitimate excuse. However, being the alpha male rock star that I am, she should have skipped class or work to hang out with me. Fair enough, though.

Fast forward two days. I wake up and send her a message flat out telling her that we’re hanging out that day, and that I don’t want any excuses. Here is her response:

“Homework and job work are not an excuse. They consitute a reason. In addition to those reasons I’m working on not getting even more sick.”

I waited about three hours and then responded by saying:


That’s unfortunate.

So you like dancing like a loser, eh? (She had ‘dancing like a loser’ listed as one of her interests in her profile) Interesting. I plan to call your bluff in the near future, because let me tell you, I will dance like a goddamn MADMAN if given the chance.”

She then FREAKED OUT and responded:


That’s’ all there is to say. I don’t know what your problem is.”

She then deleted me from her friends list. I totally was not expecting this reaction. My intention was to make her laugh with a bit of cocky funny.  I’ve never experienced anything like this before.

I think that perhaps the main problem is that my sense of humor doesn’t translate well to text, at least with this girl. I get the impression that she is a very meek and sensitive person, and I should have kept that in mind.

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