Sunday, November 22, 2009

Here and There Holiday Gift Guide

Every once and a while, we run across a blogger who is so unique, so special, we ‘re just thrilled to work with them. Pat. (yes, there actually  is a period after her name!) is absolutely one of those bloggers. This self professed bargain-hunting, travel lovin’ grandma of five says of her blog Here and There, “I invite you to follow the trail of a bargain hunting traveler to learn where she spends her time and money. You may just be surprised at how far one little old lady can stretch a dollar and still come up with top-notch deals!” Well, I for one believe her!

In addition, Here and There currently offers a special Holiday Gift Guide for bargain-savvy readers and lucky for us, Pat. chose our memory game Twisted Fish for inclusion. Her recommendations are doubly appreciated, because not only is Pat. a great blogger, she is also a 30+ year veteran school teacher with a Master’s degree in education!

Below is an excerpt from her review:

“The old game of go fish just got a very challenging twist. It isn’t child’s play any more! Twisted Fish takes a traditional standby and casts it into the 21st century. 13 unique Fish characters in five different colors, plus 8 unique “Zingers” that allow you to break the rules, makes “Twisted Fish” a unique game experience. The real challenge takes place when asking for the fish cards you are collecting—Now you have to be specific about the type of fish and color you are seeking. “Twisted Fish” challenges you to remember every question asked at the table. It is challenging and fun right down to the very last card!

Uncle Luc visited this weekend so naturally hubby and I decided to have some fun and play some games with him. It was a blast. Since I had been sent the card game Twisted Fish, it was one of the first things we put on the table. It is a variation of the old Go Fish, except players make groups of five instead of pairs. Best of all it only costs only $10.00.

Rules are simple and up to six (ages 10 and up) can play. Winning requires concentration, memory, and a tad of bluffing. To mix things up, the deck includes zinger cards for lure net, no fishing, divine intervention, joker, glass bottom boat, dead scuba diver, the game warden, and 2-fisted fisherman. What I liked best was the artwork straight from Hollywood. Every fish is true comic art designed to bring smiles and giggles. Barracuda, Barnacle Blowfish, Card Shark, Clownfish, Crab, Dogfish, Eel, Flying Fish, Hammerhead, Jellyfish, Shrimp, Starfish, Whale, are great play and play on words.”

To read the review in its entirety, or to enter to win a copy of Twisted Fish, visit Pat. at


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