Tuesday, November 3, 2009

World Of Warcraft - Cataclysm

Blizzard is certainly busy with ongoing projects such as Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3, and the newest expansion in progress for  World of Warcraft: Cataclysm!

Cataclysm has yet to hit beta, or have a release date yet. However here are some things that have been made known about the expansion :

  • The level cap raised to 85

This has surprized some people as its only a five lvl increase from the current level cap ( 80 ). In previous expansions the pace has been set at ten levels ( 60 – 70 in The Burning Crusade, and 70 – 80 in The Wrath of the Litch King ).

  • Flying Mounts in Azeroth

Many World of Warcraft players have been hoping for this ever since Burning Crusade came out with flying mounts!

  • New Battle Grounds,  and PVP Zone!

You can never have too much PVP ( player VRS. player ), and even better another PVP zone in the midst , which is a puff of fresh air for those who reside in PVE ( player VRS environment ) realms. Not everyone wants open world PVP, and many games have troubles giving the right elements to PVE players, but Blizz ( Blizzard Entertainment ) Has seemingly pulled it off.

  • New Trade Skill / Profession Archaeology

Yet another trade skill in which can be mastered! The name given to this new trade pretty much says it all, as according to the description(s) given by Blizzard, you use this skill to unearth artifacts, and earn rewards ( not much else is known ).

  • New Races with New Class / Race Combinations

The Horde gains the new playable Goblin race, where the Alliance gains the new Worgen playable race! Further more, they have decided that they will be re adjusting the classes available per race….So this means that one day we may see  Human hunters running, and Night Elf mages running around? We shall have to wait and see!

  • Guild Levels!

Guilds will have to work together on a whole new level, as they will be able to gain them,  and guild based achievements.

  • Promises of More Raid Content than in Wrath of the Lich King!
  • New zones - One of which may be under water!

And for the Major Draw

  • Old Zones in Azeroth Revamped!!!!

For common questions about this expansion visit the official FAQ on The Official site :

Official Expansion FAQ / Frequently asked Questions


  • Never follow any link claiming its for Beta
  • Always go to the Official Site, and follow links from there!
  • Your account has to be active , and most likely there will be an opt in link in your account page!
  • Never give your account info to ANYONE!
  • Never follow links in emails!!!

For more info on the Cataclysm Beta testing ( which is not open yet ) , visit the official forum faq :

Official Beta FAQ

Please note that a release date for the expansion is TBA , there has not even been a beta test for it yet ^.^ so keep up to date by visiting the official game site :


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